
Kevin Collier

A former senior politics reporter for the Daily Dot, Kevin Collier focuses on privacy, cybersecurity, and issues of importance to the open internet. Since leaving the Daily Dot in March 2016, he has served as a reporter for Vocativ and a cybersecurity correspondent for BuzzFeed.

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F*ck yeah there are a lot of “F*ck Yeah” blogs

New statistics finally reveal just how massively popular the fan blog phenomenon on Tumblr really is.

On May 11, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Sexing up superheroes to prove a point

Cartoonist Kevin Bolk turns the tables on a sexist pormotional poster for The Avengers.

On May 10, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Archbishop of Sydney drops lawsuit against Twitter comedian

Blogger and comedian Catherine Deveny had retweeted an unbecoming image macro of Cardinal George Pell.

On May 10, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Pirate Party gets first mayor

Previously identified as an independent, Eixen's André Bonitz has officially joined the German Pirate Party. 

On May 10, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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This one-legged man could probably bench you

A "before and after" photo of paralympic skier Josh Sundquist has been making the rounds on Facebook. 

On May 9, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Sendak remembered via his favorite fan

One fan's unique response to a gift from Sendak perfectly embodies the spirit of his work.

On May 8, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Paul Krugman dominates this week in Reddit AMAs

It was a week of insider knowledge on the site's live interview section, from the New York Times's Krugman to Vice magazine cofounder Shane Smith.

On May 8, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Pirate Party seizes six seats in German government

The Pirate Party made further gains in Germany as yet another of its 16 states, Schleswig-Holstein, voted to elect Pirate Party representatives to its legislature.

On May 8, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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YouTube’s “Trick Shot Quarterback” lands NFL tryout

Two million views later, Alex Tanney has been invited to the Buffalo Bills preseason training camp. 

On May 8, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Man who approached OSU recruits arrested

A promising football recruit refused to go to Ohio State University after being approached on Twitter.

On May 8, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Reddit cofounder blasts Facebook over CISPA support

Alexis Ohanian explained on CNN why he wouldn't be investing in Facebook stock anytime soon.  

On May 7, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Reddit TestPAC raises nearly $10,000 to unseat SOPA author

Reddit's homegrown political action committee will use the funds to run attack ads against Texas Representative Lamar Smith. 

On May 7, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Ohio State loses top recruit over a sex offender’s Twitpic

Last week an Ohio State University athletic director asked student-athletes to block sex offender Charles Eric Waug on Twitter, but some damage had already been done. 

On May 7, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Mapping the United States by iconic movies

This entertaining map replaces individual states with the names of films that were shot there. 

On May 7, 2012 by Kevin Collier

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Reddit takes official stance against CISPA

The Cyber Intelligence Security Protection Act is intended to help sites like Reddit, but general manager Erik Martin said the bill is far too vague. 

On May 4, 2012 by Kevin Collier