
Jennifer Abel

Jennifer Abel was an early contributor to the Daily Dot’s web culture coverage. Her work has appeared in Mashable, Salon, Playboy, the Guardian, and elsewhere.

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Photographer’s Wait Watchers series turns the gaze back on fat shaming

In a world of impossible beauty standards and increasingly robust pant sizes, Haley Morris-Cafiero takes a stand on body image.

On by Jennifer Abel

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While you were celebrating Christmas, the Internet turned 22

Now the Internet is 22 years and one day old, which everyone knows is the age of maximum hotness.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Comfort Dogs do their part in wake of Newtown tragedy

The trained Comfort Dogs of K-9 Parish go where they’re needed, and they post updates about their travels on Facebook. 

On by Jennifer Abel

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A YouTube guide to North Korea

A look inside the secretive nation of North Korea—from inside the country and from the perspective of the West.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Brazen car thieves taunt New Zealand police on Facebook

Wellington, New Zealand car racing—and car theft—enthusiasts who go by “Makeuwalk” and “Jackeduaride” thumb their noses at the cops on Facebook.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Thumbing your nose at the Pope

The ridiculous Pope-shaming of Pope Benedict VXI on Twitter.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Edmonton police ask Twitter users not to point out speed traps

Although they’re not taking action against individual Twitter users, police in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada have asked people to stop tweeting the locations of their speeding checkpoints.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Free condoms: The way to keep Twitter from mocking your campaign

The Durex World AIDS Day campaign is a corporate-sponsored Twitter promotion that didn’t backfire horribly against the company.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Walmart workers walk out for Black Friday strike

There have been reports of strikes at Walmart stores from Arizona to Massachusetts, but the company has yet to acknowledge striking workers’ demands.

On by Jennifer Abel

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NASA discovers something historic on Mars—but what?

NASA hasn’t released a formal statement about its recent findings, leading to intense online speculation. 

On by Jennifer Abel

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Play the virtual stock market for viral videos

On Viral Video eXchange, see if you can tell what’s going to make it big on YouTube next week.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Faulty ATM goes viral in Scotland

Hundreds of people lined up for their chance to quickly double their money at a local ATM. 

On by Jennifer Abel

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EBay Twinkie sellers capitalize on Hostess bankruptcy panic

eBay sellers are rapidly getting into the Twinkie business as America freaks out over the death of snack-maker Hostess.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Can the Internet fix the problems with Cyber Monday?

Two workers groups are promoting Cyber Monday Pledge, an initiative to raise awareness about the conditions of warehouses of online retailers like Amazon. 

On by Jennifer Abel

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University of Washington limits sports reporters’ tweets

A Tacoma News Tribune reporter was warned for going over the university’s tweet limit at a recent Husky basketball game.

On by Jennifer Abel

The Daily Dot