ZylTV donations father cancer Twitch


This kid says his dad has stage 4 cancer–so he’s streaming on Twitch to raise money

People are responding with big donations.


Josh Katzowitz


A young Twitch user who says his father has stage 4 rectal cancer is doing whatever he can to raise money for his dad’s treatment. So, he’s livestreaming on Twitch and focusing on the charitable contributions of strangers.

It’s unclear how old zylTV is—streamers are supposed to be 13 years or older—but the Fortnite gamer is making waves across the internet with his intentions to help his dad.

On Monday, one of his videos went viral on Reddit, and even though he only has about 3,500 followers–at the time of this writing, at least–that video has racked up more than 240,000 views in less than 12 hours.

In his Twitch chat, Zyl explained that his dad was originally diagnosed with stage 3 cancer last September, but it metastasized to his lungs and liver, giving him a stage 4 diagnosis.

“These are the circumstances that the doctors gave him: No chemo one-year death, three years chemo 20% live,” Zyl wrote. “Please donate anything you possibly can. All money will go towards funding his medication. Much love from me and all of my family members.”

In the clip, which showed that more than 7,200 Canadian dollars (the equivalent of about $5,500) had been donated, Zyl explained to his dad that “someone is paying for us: a flight and our hotel. Happy?” His father smiled and nodded in affirmation.

As Zyl wrote on Twitter, “OMG EVERYONE! I can’t even thank anyone from this stream with words. I’m truly speechless. You guys changed my and my dad’s life forever and me and my dad will remember this my whole life.”


In one clip on Zyl’s stream, his father explained his sickness, saying, “It’s very hard. It gives you so much trouble that you cannot walk. Some days, I feel I have to lay down for days in bed. I cannot move. But I have to fight.”

Looks like his son and some of the people who are following along are doing all they can to help.


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