tone loc

@RapperToneLoc / Twitter Alex Dalbey

Rapper Tone Loc detained after confronting teen in Confederate flag hat

‘How are you going to wear that in front of a Black man?’


Alex Dalbey


Rapper Tone Loc was detained for a short period of time on Saturday following a confrontation with a white teenager who was wearing a Confederate flag hat.

The confrontation reportedly started near baggage claim in Midland International Air and Space Port in Texas, when 53-year-old Tone Loc noticed the teenager’s hat. “How are you going to wear that in front of a Black man?” Tone Loc reportedly asked the teen, according to the Daily Mail.

Bystanders said the parents told Tone Loc that he shouldn’t speak to their son, who they pointed out is a minor, in that way. He apologized but also continued to insist that their son shouldn’t be wearing the Confederate flag. The disagreement quickly escalated into cursing and a full-blown yelling match.

As the family and Tone Loc neared the exit, a bystander began recording the altercation on their phone. “You ain’t nobody!” the woman can be heard yelling as she follows him out the door. He responds, “Fuck your Confederate shit.”

The argument continued outside, with Tone Loc yelling at the father, “You better watch your son in that Confederate flag shit.” The father shouted back that his son can wear whatever he wants, and the mother from the sidewalk yelled, “You know why he can wear it? Because it’s fucking America! Freedom of speech! Freedom of religion!”


Tone Loc exercised his freedom of speech by responding again, “Fuck your Confederate shit.” As the argument continued, airport security came up to break up the fight and handcuff Tone Loc. “Oh, but you’re gonna let him go,” observed Tone Loc while being handcuffed.

The anonymous witness who gave the video to local CBS affiliate KOSA said that the rapper was only detained very briefly and was uncuffed shortly after the end of the video. Both the family and Tone Loc decided to not press charges and go their separate ways.

H/T Daily Mail

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