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Rosie O’Donnell attacks Donald Trump in series of tweets

This got heated.


Monica Riese


The years-long war of words between Rosie O’Donnell and Donald Trump just kicked up a notch. 

Over the weekend, O’Donnell took to Twitter to share strongly worded, all-caps opinions of the president-elect through retweets of media coverage and standalone opinions about his mental stability.

The three-day tweetstorm is nothing new, of course. O’Donnell and Trump have a history of trading barbs on the platform. Trump, who has called O’Donnell “crude, rude, obnoxious, and dumb” in the past, specifically focused on O’Donnell during a presidential debate last summer. O’Donnell responded on Twitter, but it’s unlikely Trump saw it: Neither celebrity follows the other on the microblogging platform.

Trump wasn’t the only target O’Donnell took aim at this weekend: She also accused mainstream media of failing in its duty to call out Trump’s lies.

Several of O’Donnell’s tweets and retweets were hashtagged #Resistance or #TheResistance, for a collaborative effort aimed at stopping Trump and/or his policies and followers.

Trump’s inauguration will take place Jan. 20. 

Update 9:35am CT, Jan. 12: O’Donnell now says she supports delaying the inauguration of Trump until he “is ‘cleared’ of all charges.”

No charges have been filed against Trump, but the recent release of an unverified intelligence report has led to many questions about the president-elect’s relationship with Russia. For his part, Trump has condemned the reports as “fake news.”

The Daily Dot