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Norm Macdonald has the election tweetstorm to end all tweetstorms

‘A hell of a time’ indeed.


Samantha Grasso


For being a Canadian who doesn’t know much about politics, comedian Norm Macdonald sure does have a lot of opinions on the 2016 election.

On Thursday morning, the Saturday Night Live alumnus cooked up a Twitterstorm, taking to task everything from the media’s treatment of President-elect Donald Trump, to shortcomings made by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (particularly those pertaining to her husband, Bill). 

Several times throughout the disconnected thread, Macdonald acknowledges his blind spots of being Canadian and having no knowledge of or power in U.S. politics. But that doesn’t stop him from riding a few exhausted narratives pertaining to Trump’s likability and the media’s role in his successful campaign.

While Macdonald unpacked several ideas over the course of nearly 50 tweets, his take isn’t necessarily hot, and is absolutely nowhere near scalding. But you may want to let it simmer a few minutes before digging in, for good measure. 

Alarmism, genuine concern for women and minority groups. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

You’re searching for the word “grateful,” but many of these nobodies would beg to differ.

By reporting that one of the candidates wants to limit those freedoms—that’s how.

“This is my uninformed opinion” backpedal no. 1.

Ahh, yes. That is the rhetoric a majority of Americans took issue with.

For the record, neither candidate was deemed “good” for their respective party.

“Coarsened.” Is that what the kids are calling prevailing sexism these days?

For those of you just now tuning in, Macdonald is Canadian.

At least he used the term “neo-nazis!”

Aren’t you the repetitive type?

This is what keeping someone accountable looks like nowadays, folks.

Apples to oranges, perhaps.

This is not exactly the only thing we’ve seen, but OK.

This “rhetoric” double standard may be a little more indicative of the vote than the Americans taking pity on Trump, but also OK.

Macdonald is much more informed than he claims himself to be, huh!

So I guess the extent of Macdonald’s political knowledge is just that bit about the red phone, after all.

And the grand finale…

You heard it from Macdonald here, folks. All Trump wants is love.

The Daily Dot