Jake Paul team 10 future YouTube

Jake Paul/YouTube

Is Jake Paul about to unleash a new squad of YouTube creators on us?

Fans brace for the new Team 10.


Josh Katzowitz


Jake Paul hasn’t been active on YouTube for the past few months, posting just a few times a week at most, a noticeable departure from his former “Every day, bro” mantra. With speculation that Team 10, his social media incubator group which has been the focal point of so much YouTube controversy, will either be renovated or blown up for good, Paul might have given a tiny clue on Twitter about what’s to come.

On Tuesday, Paul tweeted that “season 3” was coming Nov. 25.

That tweet combined with Team 10 recently wiping out its social media history only to leave six Instagram pictures with another Team 10 clue could lead you to believe that Paul could have an announcement about his new group of YouTube creators.

Team 10 Jake Paul coming soon

Justin Roberts, who is one of the few holdovers left on Team 10, told the Daily Dot on Wednesday that he isn’t sure what to expect.

“As of right now, I have no idea,” Roberts said in a phone interview. “Jake has the vision for it. It’s his company. I don’t even know.”

In May, there was a huge upheaval in Team 10. Chief Operation Officer Nick Crompton left the organization, blaming Paul’s dad Greg Paul in the process. So did Chance Sutton, a longtime friend of Paul who was later accused of stealing a Team 10 YouTube channel (Sutton vehemently denied that and called it Paul’s biggest lie). Other high-profile members also abandoned the group.

In the recent Shane Dawson documentary looking into the life of Jake Paul, he had scathing words for those Team 10 members who had left him behind.

“Everyone who’s left has used us,” Paul, who is said to take 20 percent of Team 10 members’ earnings, told Dawson. “I don’t think they realize they used us. But when these people come into Team 10, I give them everything: managers, agents, house, food, money, places to live, fame, cameramen, editors, brand deals. Everything. I give it to them. Then, they forget where they came from after a couple of months, and they’re like, ‘Oh, I can do this on my own. Why is Team 10 taking a percentage of my earnings?’”

Paul has also faced plenty of upheaval in his personal life. He recently broke up with girlfriend Erika Costell, former girlfriend Alissa Violet said Paul abused her during their “fake” relationship, and Paul discussed with Dawson the devastation he felt by his brother Logan’s betrayal. Paul also had to abandon the Team 10 house this week because of the threat posed by the California wildfires.

But Roberts said he’s optimistic about Team 10’s future.

“I trust Jake,” he said. “I’m excited about it. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome.”

The Daily Dot