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Twitter users claim Billie Eilish is ‘over’ because she didn’t like Lady Gaga’s meat dress

A vegan saying ‘yikes’ to a meat dress is high treason to some.


Siobhan Ball


There’s nothing pop Twitter likes more than to throw canceled parties for various stars, and this time they may have come up with the flimsiest reason yet—seventeen-year-old singer Billie Eilish turned out not to be a fan of Lady Gaga’s iconic, and infamous, meat dress.

According to stan Twitter, a vegan being less than enthused about couture made entirely of raw meat is a bannable offense, and Eilish should disappear into obscurity as penance for expressing a personal preference. Gaga’s dress was “fashion” and “iconic,” say anti-Eilish fans of the artist, making any criticism of it not just wrong but unacceptable and worthy of full-scale Twitter fury.

It’s very true that the meat dress was actually an art-based political statement about the American military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, but as Eilish would have been eight at the time, and much of the media failed to cover that aspect even then, it’s unfair to expect her to know that off the cuff. Plus it’s perfectly valid to criticize art even if you agree with the message. That’s how art works. And plenty of people who supported Gaga’s anti-discrimination point were grossed out at the same time.

In fact, a lot of Gaga fans came into the hashtag to express disgust over the whole thing, posting out that Eilish is a teenager and Gaga’s “whole thing is kindness,” so she probably wouldn’t be here for the discourse either.

While some thought this was indicative of a bullying problem among Little Monsters in general.

Some pointed out that Eilish has taken a lot of unfair and creepy attacks from both the public and the media already, born out of society’s problems with teenage girls and its need to both sexualize them and deride everything they love.

Meanwhile, people are getting pretty tired of the constant “[X] is over parties,” started over increasingly petty reasons.

And there’s a large push to turn this into an #onisionisoverparty instead, referring to the YouTuber whose real name is Gregory Jackson and against whom there are multiple accusations of abuse and the grooming of underage girls.

A hashtag which has now taken off in its own right, though how much of that is traffic diverted from the anti-Billie Eilish hashtag remains unclear.


The Daily Dot