Mike Pence and Paul Ryan applaud behind Trump shape that displays 'Sorry, that page doesn't exist!' Twitter error

Photo via The White House/Flickr (Public Domain) Remix by Jason Reed

Everyone went wild last night when Trump’s account was deactivated

The person behind Trump’s momentary deactivation became an internet hero.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

The second late-night Twitter drama of Donald Trump‘s presidency—remember “covfefe?”— played out last night, when his account was deactivated for 11 minutes.

The president’s account was quickly reinstated and Twitter announced that the account had been accidentally deactivated by an unnamed employee.

The mystery of Trump’s disappearing Twitter account may have lasted only a few minutes, but the brief moment in Trump and Twitter history instantly became an iconic meme.

To many, this employee became a folk hero.





Moments after Twitter issued its first statement, the company revealed that the action had been performed by an employee on their last day of work, which instantly made them a folk hero.



Even Trump, kind of, got in on the fun.

Although the employee may forever remain nameless, they will live on forever in the internet’s heart.

The Daily Dot