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Pity the teacher who has to grade these #TrumpBookReports

Make Gatsby great again.


Monica Riese

Internet Culture

If you’re down to the wire on a reading assignment for an English class, Clif’s Notes, SparkNotes, and others will all be there for you in a pinch. But whatever you do, don’t rely on Trump Notes.

As Donald Trump stumbled through his answers to foreign policy questions in last night’s third and final presidential debate, one Twitter user noticed that it sounded an awful lot like a student who maybe, you know, skimmed the source materials.

Twitter immediately latched on to the concept of Trump book reports—the man is fluent in 140-character rants, after all—and followed the formula of a Trump catchphrase (bigly!) or tweet to misconstrue or otherwise bastardize a familiar plot. The most successful tweets recognized and capitalized on relevant topics and controversies as well, from election rigging to the wall. All your high school classics were quickly accounted for:

To Kill a Mockingbird:

Of Mice and Men:

The Scarlet Letter:

The Great Gatsby:

A Tale of Two Cities:

Realizing perhaps they’d overshot the Republican nominee’s preferred reading level with classic literature, many users trotted out reports for children’s stories like Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Where’s Waldo?, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which, you know, he probably just watched the movie of instead).

A few even took the joke one step further:

And if you’re wondering what Hillary Clinton’s reports would look like?

H/T Huffington Post

The Daily Dot