
Behold, the T-shirt shirt that costs more than your rent

You won’t believe how much it costs.

Photo of Stacey Ritzen

Stacey Ritzen

This 'T-Shirt Shirt' From Balenciaga Is Causes Confusion, Memes

We all know that fashion in highly subjective, and that one person’s trash may be another person’s Lady Gaga meat dress. So who are any of us to say when fashion crosses the line from avant-garde to flat-out ridiculous?

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Allow me to introduce you to Balenciaga’s $1,290 “T-shirt shirt.” Yes, you read that correctly. For the low, low price of $1,290, you can be the lucky owner of a shirt attached to another shirt. The T-shirt shirt was first noticed by Twitter over the holiday weekend, and suffice to say, people had feelings.




Of course, this is coming from the same fashion house that recently attempted to knock off a 99-cent IKEA tote bag and sell it for over two grand, so really nobody should be surprised with this latest Balenciaga fuckery.

Oh, but the fashion line didn’t stop there. Balenciaga’s designers were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they never stopped to think if they should.



Because we live in a Pinterest world, others came up with creative ways to get the lewk for less. Creative? Who are we kidding? You literally just have to tape a shirt on to another shirt.



Perhaps this entire exercise can be best summed up with the following GIF.

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