infinity pool

Compass Ceramic Pools UK (CC-BY)

This proposed London infinity pool looks like a bad idea

‘I murdered many a Sims using this very idea.’


Siobhan Ball

Internet Culture

London, a ridiculous city where it costs £750 per month to live in an actual shed, could be getting the world’s first 360-degree infinity pool built on top of a skyscraper. No, this isn’t a weird Sims-themed art installation. It’s set to be the chief attraction of a five-star hotel. While responses are mixed, a reasonable section of the populace isn’t happy about it.

But leaving aside the ethics of building more luxury facilities in a city that desperately needs affordable housing, many people are asking the same question: how do you get in?

The answer is less than reassuring. Entry will be via an airlock with a rotating spiral staircase, apparently, that will rise and fall in the middle of the pool whenever someone wants to get in or out. “It’s a little bit James Bond,” says the designer cheerfully, missing the part where it’s clearly a Bond villain all by itself.

People, especially Londoner’s pissed off about the rent crisis, are already gleefully predicting all the ways this is going to kill people.

Some are raising genuine concerns such as the suicide potential, the camera in place of an actual lifeguard (especially with the slow-moving stairs), and how the hotel will keep people from being swept over the side in high winds.

But most are just having fun predicting scenarios straight out of a disaster movie, from the terrifyingly plausible…

…to the wonderfully ridiculous. I mean Sharknado is about due for another installment, isn’t it?

But while Londoners angry about this monument to the wealth gap are tackling it with their signature mix of sarcasm and contempt, it turns out the thing might not be being built at all.

It’s only a proposed design, for an as yet unconfirmed location within the city.


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