Remember that thing in 101 Dalmatians where every dog owner looks like their dog and it’s sort of cute for a minute? What if you replaced dog owners with hot shirtless men and dogs with food? You’d get the Hot Dudes and Food Instagram.
Hot dudes have a way of heightening and confusing all our senses—they’re so hot they give you synesthesia. As such, their hotness reminds us of flavors and textures. His hood may remind you of a warm mug. His freckles are rainbow sprinkles on a bowl of cool ice cream. His shocking red hair is like… umm… pizza.
There’s no deeper meaning here. It’s hot men and food. We’ve gotten to the point where these base pleasures no longer need to be dressed up or interpreted on our behalf. Remove the journalists and historians and pundits from their positions of power. Dismantle media. Strip it all down to our simplest needs. Go paleo. Men. Food. Hot. Good.
Photo via @hotdudesandfood/Instagram