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93-year-old pilot who broke the sound barrier will happily roast you on Twitter

The best advice on Twitter.


David Britton

Internet Culture

Chuck Norris is often held up at the ultimate American badass (sorry Kid Rock). Which is fair. After all, the man can break wood with his bare hands.

But there’s another Chuck who in 1947 broke a little something called the motherfucking sound barrier when he flew a plane that was dropped out of another motherfucking plane.

The motherfucking planes in question.

The motherfucking planes in question.

Screengrab via Martin Pereira/YouTube

That man is General Chuck Yeager, and the plane he flew was called the X-1. If that’s not badass I don’t know what is.

Yeager hasn’t given up his badass ways, even at age 93. He now runs his own Twitter account, where he will basically answer any question you send him. It’s the best account on Twitter you aren’t following.

Now that the word is out that you can get advice from a war hero you wish was your grandpa, it’s doubtful even the man who first flew at Mach 1 will be able to keep up. 

Luckily, I was able to slip in a question before the world’s greatest pilot pulls the plug on the world’s greatest Twitter account. 

His answer did not disappoint.

Thanks for your service, General Yeager. You’ve still got the right stuff.

H/T Mediaite

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