Right-wing meat lovers turned to Twitter Monday to express fears that a World Health Organization report linking bacon and other processed meats to cancer was nothing more than a vast, evil, Islamic conspiracy. Because clearly the road to global domination is paved with Halal foods.
What better way for #UnitedNations pimps for Islam to sneak toward Caliphate than attack Bacon (pork) as unhealthy. https://t.co/WKeOg6OyJJ
— Steve Bayrd (@SteveBayrd) October 27, 2015
I smell islam at work here,
— Julian AKA BB PIB the Neanderthal. (@12voltman60) October 24, 2015
Screw 'em!
Bacon to be classified as dangerous as asbestos by World Health Organization https://t.co/9qcgntJRkk
I'm a cynic. Is news that bacon is a potential carcinogen true or is it merely more evidence that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a closeted Muslim?
— GretchenInOK (@GretchenInOK) October 26, 2015
This meat bs is illuminati conspiracy. Bacon could never be bad for you. Devil lies. 👹
— Spencer Pratt (@spencerpratt) October 27, 2015
Fox Host: Bacon-Cancer Link Is Part Of A Climate Change Conspiracy https://t.co/nDt9ZG1OqA
— Comella (@starfirst) October 27, 2015
But in all this hoopla, did anyone hit upon the simplest explanation for the WHO’s report? Seems to us that the group that stands to gain most from it are pigs themselves. So brace yourself for a swine coup in the near future: If you’ve read Animal Farm, then you know what’s coming.
H/T The Independent | Photo via G M/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)