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8 life-saving weather apps for navigating Winter Storm Juno

If you are one of the 28 million people in the path of Winter Storm Juno, it’s time to prepare yourself.


AJ Dellinger


We already know that storms with female names are taken less seriously by people and thus result in more deaths, for hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. So if you see the imminent blizzard about to hit the American Northeast as a light powder you can blow off just because it’s named after one of the most charming and adorable indie films of our time, then you will deserve the icy blanket that is coming to you.

If you are one of the 28 million people in the path of Winter Storm Juno, it’s time to prepare yourself. Hopefully you’ve stocked up on non-perishables, bottled water, and have filled your shelves with all the essentials. We’re here to help you stack your phone with the best apps for surviving this storm. Basically, we want to make you Paulie Bleeker, ready for whatever Juno throws at you.

1) Dark Sky

Weather apps don’t get much more accurate than Dark Sky. Aside from gorgeous visualizations that make reading about the weather an interesting experience, the app also provides up-to-the-minute readouts on incoming inclement conditions for your location thanks to its Forecast technology. In a storm that could leave you stuck, immediacy is key for helping you stay safe. 

2) Intellicast

A product of the Weather Company, which also serves up forecasting information for the Weather Channel, and Weather Underground, Intellicast is on top of the weather business. With apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android, it’ll help you out no matter what mobile device you count on. Features like its severe storm tracking and detailed interactive radar readouts presented in high-definition will serve you nobly during the onslaught of snow.

3) Waze

If you can, avoid driving during Winter Storm Juno at all costs. But if you absolutely have to drive through the slushy mess of ice and snow, do so with Waze serving as your copilot. The community-driven driving app counts on users to report slowdowns, detours, bad roads, and easy outs so you don’t get trapped in an ongoing traffic jam that looks like the road out of Atlanta on the Walking Dead.

4) FLASH Weather Alerts

New Englanders and others on the East Coast who find themselves in the eye of Juno should be prepared for the worst, but it’s hard to know exactly when the worst will hit. To get emergency messages and warnings straight to your phone, grab the FLASH Weather Alerts app for iOS and Android. With it, you’ll get live updates from the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (sure, there’s no “L” to make the acronym work, but don’t go into semantics with an app that could save your life.)

5) American Red Cross

There is perhaps no organization better equipped to help in case of a disaster than the American Red Cross, so it only makes sense to turn to them when it comes to preparation and safety measures. It has a huge suite of apps available to download that can come in handy in case of an emergency, covering everything from first aid application to finding shelter if you get stuck out in the storm.

6) SAS Survival Guide

We’re natives of the technology era—we’re pretty good at finding necessary information in a pinch or sending off a topical tweet, but our instinctual survival methods aren’t quite as sharp. Luckily, the SAS Survival Guide has that covered. With over 400 pages of text on the best survival methods for any situation plus invaluable knowledge and handy how-tos, the app will keep you equipped for any situation—including the unlikely scenario in which Juno is actually some sort of weather-based terror attack.

7) Emergency Radio

You will ideally be indoors during the duration of Winter Storm Juno but you may be curious as to what is going on outside, especially if you find yourself without power at any point. There are handfuls of emergency radio and police scanner apps available that will give you the ability to press your ear to the outside world and hear the sounds of emergency services as they respond to reports throughout the storm.

8) HotelTonight

If you’re counting on catching a flight or a taxi out of town during Juno, we wish you luck. Your escape routes are mostly likely going to be grounded for the duration. So if you can’t get out in time, you might as hunker down in style. Snag a room that fits your needs and budget on HotelTonight and make your weather-dictated stay feel like a vacation.

Photo via Sarah_Ackerman/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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