trump mccabe rosenstein illegal treasonous

Trump calls 25th Amendment talk a ‘coup’ attempt

It’s a constitutionally approved process.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

How Rod Rosenstein’s firing devolved into unhinged conspiracies

A bizarre Monday sounded the deep state alarm.

On by Mike Rothschild

Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

Schrodinger’s DAG: Has Rod Rosenstein been fired or resigned? We’ll find out Thursday

The future of Mueller’s investigation is now up in the air.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Rod Rosenstein

Calls for Rosenstein’s removal explode on far-right sites

‘Fire Rosenstein. CLEAN F*CKING HOUSE.’

On by David Gilmour

devin nunes speaking at CPAC

Devin Nunes accidentally revealed his master plan to everyone

He was secretly recorded.

On by David Covucci

Republican members of the House have drafted articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

House Republicans call for impeachment of Rod Rosenstein

GOP lawmakers introduced articles of impeachment against him.

On by Kris Seavers

Rod Rosenstein special counsel Robert Mueller Russia hack DNC

12 Russian intelligence officials indicted by Special Counsel for hacking DNC during 2016 election

The indictment is the latest as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Special Counsel Robert Mueller

Memo shows Mueller given authority to investigate Manafort’s ties to Russia

The memo, from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, is redacted in parts.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Donald Trump confirms FBI investigation

In a tweet, Trump confirms he’s under investigation by FBI

The president also went after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

On by Andrew Couts

James Comey Russia Yahoo

Comey requested money for Russia investigation days before Trump fired him

New details surrounding Comey’s firing add fuel to speculation about the Trump administration’s motives.

On by Andrew Couts

The Daily Dot