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Fearing ISIS, India censors dozens of popular websites

We’re not sure this is the best way to fight the Islamic State.

On by Kevin Collier

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Gamergate’s doomed plan to win over Tumblr

This is almost too sad to be funny.

On by Miles Klee

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Hackers’ favorite publishing platform had a huge year in 2013

More than 300,000 pieces of private info were posted to Pastebin in 2013.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Bell Canada: 22,000 customer passwords leaked by hacking crew

The hacktivists known as NullCrew first gained notoriety for its high-profile attack on Cambridge University. 

On by Lorraine Murphy

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Anonymous draws blood by leaking SeaWorld board members’ credit cards

The movement shifts from its bluffing phase to open assault.

On by Miles Klee

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Jeremy Hammond supporters share list of countries the FBI allegedly used him to hack

An unverified document matches claims Hammond himself has made in the past.

On by Dell Cameron

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The Syrian Electronic Army couldn’t handle the Times’ traffic

The SEA was set to deliver an anti-war message on the New York Times, but its servers couldn’t handle the load. 

On by [email protected]

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When will this sub’s spy tactics finally get our attention?

An essay on Pastebin seeks to do what a decade of articles has failed trying.

On by Aja Romano

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Anonymous hacks a chamber of commerce for the lulz

While the hacktivists collective acquired and released usernames and passwords, it’s not clear if “lulz” were achieved. 

On by Curt Hopkins

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Anonymous claims it wasn’t behind Operation Last Resort

In a petition to get the perpetrators to cease and desist, an Anon writes: “We are not condemning those participating, only distancing ourselves from the message of this operation.”

On by Curt Hopkins

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Hacker group Team GhostShell declares war on Russia

The Anonymous-linked group that leaked records from several major U.S. universities earlier this year has set its sites on the Russian government.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Hackers attack Filipino government over cybercrime law

The new law would destroy freedom of speech online, say critics.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Anonymous releases personal info on security firm Trapwire CEO

“Doxing” is a common form of hacker retribution or attack.

On by Lorraine Murphy

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Blackmailers make $50 on Romney’s tax returns

Hackers demanded a $1,000,000 ransom for the Republican presidential candidate’s tax records.

On by Jay Hathaway

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Arrested Anonymous member Barrett Brown sends letter from prison

‘It is war. On paper, as always, but war,’ online activist and Anonymous affiliate Brown wrote from the Texas prison where he is reportedly being held.

On by Lorraine Murphy

The Daily Dot