Sen. August King and DNI Dan Coats and NSA Chief Mike Rogers

Senator grills intelligence chiefs for refusing to answer questions about Trump

The intelligence chiefs said answering the senators’ questions would be ‘inappropriate.’

On by Andrew Couts

Rep. Adam Schiff at press conference discussing investigation into Russian election meddling.

Congressman alleges White House is meddling in Russia investigation

Rep. Adam Schiff said he believes an open hearing was cancelled due to ‘pushback from the White House’

On by Dell Cameron

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4 big takeaways from the Senate’s hearing on Russian election hacks

The case against Russia just faced its first hearing.

On by Amrita Khalid

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FBI director invokes San Bernardino attack in defense of anti-encryption narrative

James Comey denied wanting a ‘backdoor’ but said that some kind of encryption workaround was needed.

On by Eric Geller

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The rise of the new Crypto War

The U.S. government wants to stop terrorists and criminals from ‘going dark.’ But at what cost?

On by Eric Geller

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NSA director: Don’t be so quick to blame China for OPM cyberattack

Meanwhile, anonymous officials attribute the attack to China.

On by Dell Cameron

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U.S. lawmakers demand federal encryption requirements after OPM hack

Meanwhile, the FBI wants to mandate encryption backdoors.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Pro-NSA CISPA coauthor Mike Rogers to host CNN show about spy missions

If nothing else, this should at least be entertaining.

On by Eric Geller

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How bad is the USA Freedom Act? Just look at who voted ‘yes’

Its biggest original supporters have said no; its biggest critics voted yes. What happened?

On by Kevin Collier

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Mike Rogers, bane of privacy advocates, to retire from Congress

The head of the House Intelligence Committee and a bane to many online privacy activists will host a talk radio show.

On by Kevin Collier

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Meet your new NSA chief

Michael Rogers will be the next NSA Chief, and no, he’s not the Michael Rogers who really hates Edward Snowden. 

On by Kevin Collier

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Internet Archive releases a treasure trove of NSA TV clips

All of your favorites are here, from President Barack Obama to Edward Snowden himself.

On by Kevin Collier

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Senator ‘very close’ to reintroducing controversial CISPA

Despite Americans’ increasing aversion to government surveiliance, Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) wants to revive the twice-defeated bill, this time in the Senate.

On by Kevin Collier

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Congressman implies Snowden didn’t act alone

In a recent Washington Post Live panel discussion, Rep. Mike Rogers hinted that Russia may have helped Edward Snowden leak NSA surveillance documents. 

On by Joe Kloc

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House Intelligence Committee celebrated Manning conviction a week early

It’s no suprise they were pleased with Manning’s conviction, but why’d they celebrate a day early?

On by Kevin Collier

The Daily Dot