Vintage woman drinking milkshake(l), Vintage woman laughing on the phone(c), Vintage woman in car(r)

Deplatformed: Gab’s fake white women

What happens when you mix white nationalism, AI, and horny dudes online? This forum on Gab.

On by David Covucci

Matt Gaetz with hands pointing at him

Matt Gaetz says no one has accused him of ‘any wrongdoing, of any kind’ despite ethics probe into sex trafficking allegations

Gaetz has denied allegations that he sex trafficked a 17-year-old girl.

On by Katherine Huggins

Kevin McCarthy(l), Matt Gaetz(r)

Kevin McCarthy lashes into Matt Gaetz, says ouster was because ‘he slept with a 17-year-old’


On by Katherine Huggins

Donald Trump speaking into microphone in front of blue background

Trump denies claim he wasn’t eating after 2020 election loss: ‘I was eating too much’

‘I was not depressed, I WAS ANGRY’

On by Katherine Huggins

Rep Mike Johnson

Mike Johnson’s wife scrubs Christian counseling website after wildly offensive statements revealed

The new House Speaker has previously made anti-LGBT comments.

On by Katherine Huggins

Donald Trump(l), Tom Emmer(r)

Trump dragged the Republican speaker nominee so hard he immediately dropped out of the race

Emmer, head of the powerful Republican NRCC, was called a RINO by Trump, and away he went.

On by Marlon Ettinger

Homepage article image

McConnell says he’s ‘completely recovered’ from viral freezing incidents—but won’t explain what they were

But he did not elaborate.

On by Katherine Huggins

jim jordan death threats

Republican lawmakers say they’re getting death threats over refusal to back Jim Jordan for House Speaker

‘Go f*** yourself and die,’ read one threatening message.

On by Katherine Huggins

Rep. Nancy Mace wears a white tshirt with a red A on the front while speaking with reporters

‘Trying to tell us she cheated?’: Nancy Mace wears shirt with scarlet letter ‘A’—gets called out for whiffing on its meaning

Mace said she felt ‘demonized’ for voting to oust Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.

On by Katherine Huggins

Congressman Matt Gaetz height

‘About to get Cawthorned’: Republicans start sharing even more unflattering stories about Matt Gaetz

It’s not the first allegation relating to sexual conduct Gaetz has faced.

On by Katherine Huggins

chip roy

‘Chip Soy’: DeSantis-supporting Texas Republican delivers fiery anti-MAGA rant over House Speaker fight—delighting Trump fans

His tirade drew eyes.

On by Marlon Ettinger

Marjorie Taylor Greene speaking in front of pink and blue background (l) Lauren Boebert speaking in front of pink and blue background (r)

Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene face backlash for voting in support of McCarthy

Only 8 Republicans voted in favor of McCarthy’s ouster.

On by Katherine Huggins

Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene leads Republicans in pushing for Trump to be next Speaker of the House

Trump has previously said he’d be uninterested in the role.

On by Katherine Huggins

Matt Gaetz speaking in front blue background (l) Kevin McCarthy speaking in front of blurred background (r)

Gaetz supporters hit McCarthy over IRS funding amid looming motion to oust him as Speaker

‘87,000 IRS agents’ trended on social media.

On by Katherine Huggins

U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attends an Eid Al Adha event at Astoria Park on July 8, 2023 in the Queens borough of New York City.

AOC says ‘boy math’ is the reason for looming government shutdown

Rep. Ilhan Omar made a ‘boy math’ post too.

On by Katherine Huggins

The Daily Dot