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How grassroots activists are forcing gun sales off Facebook

The social network banned private gun sales in January, but a dedicated group of users says it’s fallen to them to enforce the rules.

On by Peter Rugg

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A death on Usenet: Sharon Lopatka and the strange case of ‘consensual murder’

To her neighbors she seemed quiet and unassuming. Online, she asked to be tortured and killed.

On by Jeremy Lybarger

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How Romania brought broadband to a whole country—and who got left behind

For more than 30 years, a U.S. government program has helped provide connectivity to the poor. It recently expanded to provide broadband access—but critics want to shut it down.

On by Christine Ro

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Can technology and a new way of teaching help Ghana’s schools?

In the African country, an ambitious program uses video conferencing to train underfunded and overwhelmed teachers. But is it enough?

On by Rachel L. Martin, Ph.D.

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How to speak meme

So you’ve finally decided to browse memes. Here’s how to use the lingo like one of ‘the crew.’

On by Miles Klee

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The rise and fall of Urlesque, the site that wanted to take memes mainstream

For three and a half years, from 2008 to 2011, Urlesque was the definitive site covering the internet as its own culture. Then AOL shut it down and erased it from the web.

On by Rae Votta

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Inside the topsy-turvy world of Useless, Unsuccessful, and/or Unpopular Memes

The successful meme propagates itself, multiplying far and wide across the internet. But what one Facebook group presupposes is: What if it didn’t?

On by Jay Hathaway

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Confessions of a catfish

I was alone and unloved. So I became someone else.

On by Aris Apostolopoulos

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The unending quest of the Hoax Slayer

Thirteen years ago, Brett Christensen was the victim of an email hoax. Since then, he’s dedicated himself to preventing the same fate for others.

On by Andrew McMillen

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The disappearance of Amina Arraf, a gay girl in Damascus

She was a lesbian activist and blogger, writing eloquently about the war in Syria. She was lauded and brave. The only problem? She wasn’t real.

On by Duncan Fyfe

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The literature professor who helped convict the Unabomber

Ted Kaczynski mailed bombs to people across America, then demanded newspapers publish his manifesto. They did, and that proved to be his undoing.

On by Nathan Smith

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The strange and twisting case of r/A858, Reddit’s indecipherable Stonehenge

Five years ago, cryptic numbers began to appear in a little-trafficked subreddit. They seemed to be a code—one whose purpose, even today, remains a mystery.

On by Robert Guthrie

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The obsessive amateur code-breakers hoping to crack the Zodiac killer’s cipher

Nearly four decades ago, the Zodiac Killer terrorized the Bay Area, taunting newspaper readers with coded clues to his identity. Online codebreakers are still battling his final puzzle.

On by Rick Paulas

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The last wrestling hotline still worth calling

For a few years in the late ’80s, 900 numbers were an incredibly popular and profitable industry. Decades later, one Queens man is keeping the art of the hotline alive.

On by David Bixenspan

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The rise and fall of FriendFeed, the social network that brought you the ‘Like’ button

It was a site with bold ambitions to “glue together the web,” and innovated in ways we take for granted today. But it couldn’t last forever.

On by Corinne Litchfield

The Daily Dot