amazon rekognition shareholders vote

Amazon must let shareholders vote on controversial facial recognition technology

Shareholders will vote on two proposals at the company’s annual meeting.

On Apr 6, 2019 by Samira Sadeque

Homepage article image

Man fined for telling cops to ‘piss off’ after hiding from facial recognition camera

Police in the U.K. are trying out a controversial facial recognition system.

On Feb 1, 2019 by Mikael Thalen

Homepage article image

3D-printed head fools Android facial recognition

But your iPhone will likely stay safe.

On Dec 17, 2018 by Mikael Thalen

amazon facial recognition

Amazon still won’t say whether ICE uses its facial recognition tech

Who is using Amazon’s ‘Rekognition’ tool?

On Dec 13, 2018 by Mikael Thalen

Protesters with Jeff Bezos masks protested Amazon's alleged sales pitch of its facial recognition technology to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Protesters rally in Jeff Bezos masks over Amazon’s pitch of facial recognition tech to ICE

‘Profit or civil rights?’

On Oct 31, 2018 by Sunny Kim

Man wearing headphones and using phone with facial recognition overlay

FBI reportedly uses Apple’s facial recognition tech to access suspect’s phone

It’s a shocking precedent.

On Oct 1, 2018 by Josh Katzowitz

security camera surveillance

Report: NYPD helped IBM secretly develop technology that identifies people by skin color

The NYPD has stopped using the technology.

On Sep 6, 2018 by Christina Bonnington

facial recognition software running during mugshot

Can law enforcement be trusted with facial recognition technology?

Facial recognition is everywhere now. What can people do?

On Aug 6, 2018 by Ben Dickson

Security camera attached to building

Amazon’s facial recognition may be racist

It misidentified numerous Black and Latino lawmakers as criminals.

On Jul 26, 2018 by Christina Bonnington

confused malfunctioning robot

How hackers can force AI to make dumb mistakes

It’s only a matter of time before these attacks hit the mainstream.

On Jun 18, 2018 by Ben Dickson

Orlando police defend Amazon Rekognition, a facial recognition tool.

Orlando police say they’d never use Amazon facial recognition on ‘random citizens’

But eventually, isn’t that what it’s for?

On May 25, 2018 by Christina Bonnington

Amazon Rekognition and the State of Surveillance Tech

Amazon Rekognition was always destined to be a privacy nightmare

‘Once dangerous face surveillance systems are built and deployed, the harm can’t be undone.’

On May 23, 2018 by Benjamin Powers

facial recognition

Civil rights groups slam Amazon for selling facial recognition tool to police

Civil rights advocates fear it will be used for surveillance.

On May 22, 2018 by Phillip Tracy

Police vehicle

Police facial recognition had a startling number of false positives at major soccer match

Police are defending the use of the technology.

On May 7, 2018 by Christina Bonnington

facial recognition smartphone privacy

Facebook packages facial recognition in privacy law Trojan horse

The feature is opt-in.

On Apr 20, 2018 by Phillip Tracy

The Daily Dot