Did Trump's medical report leak after assassination attempt?

Fake report on Trump’s post-assassination injuries dupes people online

‘I’m seeing too many liberals believing this is real.’

On by Mikael Thalen

Close up of secret service member

4chan post claiming Secret Service told not to fire on Trump shooter explodes into full-on TikTok conspiracy

‘This opens up SO many more questions and concerns about what was actually going on that day.’

On by Mikael Thalen

Joe Biden and Guns Background

No, Biden didn’t point a gun at his wife

The image, which appears to have been photoshopped, caught many off guard.

On by Mikael Thalen

A still image from 'Jaws' is being used to try and blame Russia for beach bombing

A still image from ‘Jaws’ is being used to try and blame Russia for beach bombing

The post garnered over 1.2 million views, nearly 3,000 shares, and endless comments.

On by Mikael Thalen

Hunter biden over security footage

‘Hunter & Diddy Must Be Brothers’: Videos claiming Hunter Biden dragged woman through hotel circulate online

‘Make sure to share this far and wide because the media won’t.’

On by Mikael Thalen

Photoshopped mayonnaise jar with gayo and pride flag

Rainbow-colored Kraft ‘Gayo’ Pride promo dupes the internet

An image of rainbow-colored mayonnaise has gone viral on social media.

On by Mikael Thalen

90-year-old quadruplets go viral on Facebook

‘Happy Birthday QUEENS’: Facebook users love the quadruplets who made it to 90—without realizing they’re fake

Countless users believe that the 4 sisters are real.

On by Mikael Thalen

Tom Hanks didn't wear a 'Vote for Joe, not the psycho' shirt

No, Tom Hanks didn’t wear a ‘Vote for Joe, not the psycho’ shirt

While the image in question was clearly of poor quality, it still appeared to fool many online.

On by Mikael Thalen

Conspiracy theorists blame HAARP for Northern Lights

Conspiracy theorists think the Northern Lights were caused by the government

So are conspiracy theorists actually right for a change? Nope.

On by Mikael Thalen

Harrison Ford

Does this video show Harrison Ford praising pro-Palestine protesters?

In numerous posts across social media, Ford is seen giving a speech discussing ‘a new force of nature at hand, stirring all over the world.’

On by Mikael Thalen

Does this photo show P. Diddy, Trump, and Epstein with young women?

Does this photo show P. Diddy, Trump, and Epstein with young women?

Facebook users were quick to comment on the post and seemed largely uninterested in whether the image was legitimate.

On by Mikael Thalen

Taylor Swift Satanic ritual

Conspiracy theorists think Taylor Swift is performing Satanic rituals

Supporters of Swift were quick to flood the comments of a conspiracy theory video.

On by Mikael Thalen

Did Elon whine about divorce with grimes on burner account?

Did Elon Musk use his baby burner account to say his kids hated Grimes?

Probably not.

On by Mikael Thalen

Mel Gibson and Mark Walhberg starting an 'anti-woke' movie studio

No, Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg are not starting an anti-woke film studio

The claim first began circulating on Facebook last week.

On by Mikael Thalen

Conspiracy theorists think Mel Gibson has video of Bill and Hillary engaging in cannibalism

Conspiracy theorists think Mel Gibson has video of Bill and Hillary Clinton engaging in cannibalism

The assertion that they engaged in cannibalism with a gang leader named Barbecue is outright fake.

On by Mikael Thalen

The Daily Dot