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Finding humor in Charles Ramsey doesn’t make you a racist

You giggled when you heard Charles Ramsey talking about his ribs and salsa music. Maybe you’re a racist. But you’re probably just human.

On by [email protected]

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I reported on 4chan—and all I got was this lousy pizza

Here’s what happens when you report on the Internet’s most notorious forum for pranks and mischief. 

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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Stories from the New Frontier: The hacker ethic

In our series Stories from the New Frontier: an excerpt from Cole Stryker’s new book, “Hacking the Future,” examining the history of hackers and the ethics of the hacker community from post World War II to today.

On by [email protected]

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The myth of the meritocratic Web

We think of the Internet as one of the great manifestations of a meritocracy, where the good/interesting/fascinating content rises to the top. Cole Styker takes a hard look at this myth and argues there are less pure motives at work influencing the content that becomes powerful online. 

On by [email protected]

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Scenes from Hallowmeme: The best Internet party IRL

Only at the fourth annual Hallowmeme would you find costumes of violentacrez and Psy impersonators mingling. 

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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“Hacking the Future”: Cole Stryker takes on Web anonymity and identity

“Anonymity allows you to be dishonest,” the author told the Daily Dot, “but it also allows you to be more honest.”

On by Kris Holt

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Photo gallery: ‘Roid rage at ROFLcon III

The kitsch and famo’s descent on MIT last weekend was captured with our favorite 1940s technology.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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BBC trolls the trolls

The British broadcaster set out to confront a troll and in the process displayed a shocking ignorance of Internet culture.

On by Fruzsina Eördögh

The Daily Dot