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Washington wants corporations to disclose their boards’ cyber expertise

Everyone agrees that companies need cyber defenses. But is this the right approach?

On by Eric Geller

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Congressman plans bill to repeal CISA-like legislation included in omnibus

Rep. Justin Amash says the bill was ‘snuck’ through Congress.

On by Kevin Collier

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Congress folds controversial cybersecurity legislation into must-pass budget bill

The bill is expected to pass both houses of Congress and receive President Obama’s signature.

On by Eric Geller

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Your quick-and-dirty guide to tonight’s GOP debate

Trump and terrorism. What could be a better combination for two hours of yell-talking?

On by Kevin Collier

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The fight over CISA is far from over

The Senate’s passage of CISA is just the beginning.

On by Eric Geller

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Senate passes major cybersecurity info-sharing bill CISA

Big business groups love the bill, but tech companies are divided.

On by Eric Geller

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White House backs CISA despite privacy groups’ concerns

‘There is an urgent and compelling need for cybersecurity legislation.’

On by Eric Geller

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CISA’s privacy safeguard can be overruled by the FBI, NSA, or any federal agency

Right now, one of the privacy provisions in this bill has a major loophole.

On by Eric Geller

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Sen. Ron Wyden isn’t giving up the fight against CISA

The Senate advanced CISA on Thursday, but the battle over your privacy is not yet over.

On by Eric Geller

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Senate votes to move ahead with CISA, a controversial cybersecurity bill

Privacy groups worry that the bill will expose more sensitive information to hackers.

On by Eric Geller

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Dropbox opposes CISA as debate over the cybersecurity bill heats up

Tech companies say CISA would hurt their users’ privacy.

On by Eric Geller

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Twitter joins CISA opposition ahead of Senate vote on the controversial cyber bill

Privacy groups say CISA provides inadequate protections for Americans’ personal data.

On by Eric Geller

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Anti-botnet amendment to CISA raises concerns for cybersecurity research

Critics say it could have a ‘chilling effect’ on vulnerability disclosures.

On by Kevin Collier

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Tech group representing Facebook, Google, Amazon comes out against CISA

The cybersecurity bill is scheduled for a vote in the Senate soon.

On by Eric Geller

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Bernie Sanders comes out against CISA, a controversial cybersecurity bill

Sanders isn’t sure yet whether he’ll join a potential filibuster of the bill.

On by Eric Geller

The Daily Dot