Warning: This article contains spoilers for the latest Game of Thrones episode, “Beyond the Wall.”
Last night’s Game of Thrones episode completely shifted the series’ power dynamics with one of the show’s biggest closing scenes to date. Not only did Jon Snow pledge to bend the knee to Daenerys Targaryen after barely escaping his battle beyond the Wall, but Dany’s Veserion was turned into a Whitewalker after being tragically killed by the Night King’s spear.
To help mend your broken heart, below are some of the best memes from “Beyond the Wall.”
The best memes from Game of Thrones‘ “Beyond The Wall”
1) When Jon Snow and company embarked on an impossible journey
Jon Snow had the Pretty Patties. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/KcT0MIqfDd
— Cycle (@bycycle) August 21, 2017
Me when my giant ginger was about to die. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/qHZ8KmiP7i
— Gretchen Lancour (@gretchenlancour) August 21, 2017
2) When Gendry became the fastest man in Westeros
Girl: Come over.
— Ryan Owen Gibson (@ryanowengibson) August 21, 2017
Gendry: I can’t, I’ve gone beyond the wall.
Girl: My parents aren’t home.
Gendry:#GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/wwhyTTi0Ye
3) When Littlefinger’s latest scheme starts working

The fact that baelish is alive and a DRAGON is DEAD #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/2n66KNpWig
— Natalie C (@nataliec176) August 21, 2017
#GameofThrones #ThronesYall
— #DragonsYall (@dragonsyall) August 21, 2017
Littlefinger: idk where Arya got that letter
Us: pic.twitter.com/9D0CNrUysf
4) When Arya confronts Sansa about her letter
Arya: I could even become you.
— GoT Things (@GoTthings_) August 21, 2017
#GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/oi3tMh9GfD
Bran, who could fix all of this easily, while Arya and Sansa fight #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/8RmsJKJrts
— @hayesbrown.bsky.social (@HayesBrown) August 21, 2017
5) When Khaleesi comes to the rescue in the nick of time
6) When the Night King picks up his spear
Nights King picks up the spear
— GoT Things (@GoTthings_) August 21, 2017
Me:#GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/Nlq6Tspt2v

7) When Viserion gets fatally struck
“Are you seriously upset about the death of a CGI dragon?” #GameOfThrones https://t.co/lqZjqAonvE
— Heather Monahan (@HeatherMonahan_) August 21, 2017
When Drogon started crying for Viserion #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/P5hsCVmzIE
— Dr. JR. Your Friendly Neighborhood PT (@jeyahr3) August 21, 2017

8) When Jon and Khaleesi share an intimate moment

OK DAENERYS BEING THERE WHEN JON WAKES UP. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/Td2PbfzQOm
— anna (@peacexxanna) August 21, 2017
get you someone who looks at you like jon snow looks at his aunt#GameOfThrones #thronesyall pic.twitter.com/jpVU3uOTu2
— @hayesbrown.bsky.social (@HayesBrown) August 21, 2017
9) When the Whitewalkers turn Viserion

WHAT WE GON DO LORDDDDD #GameofThrones #ThronesYall #RIPEVERYONE pic.twitter.com/J5Pz5Sqj3k
— SYLVII YA YA (@SylviaObell) August 21, 2017
They got an ice dragon tho. #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/sOeh84WaPM
— Evan (@evanlefft) August 21, 2017
Well folks, that’s a game changer. Nice knowing y’all. #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/i4YMwREcCD
— Dustin James (@dustinjames) August 21, 2017
me realizing that now drogon and rhaegal have to fight against viserion #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/3rCvVi0VR9
— bridget ☆ (@purinhwa) August 21, 2017
10) When you realize there’s only one episode left this season
Trying to sleep after watching that episode of #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/y3v9iGGeft
— Jameson Johns (@JamesonJohns) August 21, 2017
When u realize u only got one more week of #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/edmLbPrfrt
— JL (@JustL128) August 21, 2017