
Dr. Disrespect suspended from Twitch after streaming from public bathroom

He’s reportedly been kicked out of E3.

Photo of Ignacio Martinez

Ignacio Martinez


Wildly popular Twitch streamer Guy “Dr. Disrespect” Beahm on Tuesday got suspended from the service after streaming from inside of a public bathroom at the Los Angeles Convention Center during E3. It was apparently his first IRL stream. Dr. Disrespect has not tweeted since the incident. 

During a live stream taking place on the first official day of the gaming conference, Dr. Disrespect, along with his camera person, walked into a bathroom inside the convention center. Filming somebody in a bathroom without their consent violates the California penal code on grounds of invasion of privacy. Although there is no Twitch community guidelines or terms of service rule that expressly mentions streaming in bathrooms, the law seems to have taken precedence here.

With tens of thousands of users watching, Dr. Disrespect proceeded to enter the public bathroom as other attendees—including one who appeared to be a child—used the urinals in the background. Images posted to Twitter have also shown Dr Disrespect urinating at a urinal as his camera person stood behind him.

According to Kotaku, Dr. Disrespect also had his E3 badge revoked following the incident.


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H/T Kotaku

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