
‘I ended up driving way more miles than I anticipated’: Woman leases 2022 Volvo XC-60 for 3 years. Then it runs out 

‘My priorities are safety, aesthetic, price.’

Photo of Grace Rampaul

Grace Rampaul

Two panel design with a woman looking and talking at the camera, next to an image of a Volvo logo

The search for a new car can be both exciting and overwhelming. Almost like an episode of “The Bachelor“, what car will get the final rose?

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TikTok user Jenna Palek (@jennapalek) began her six-part (and counting) series inviting viewers to help her decide her next steps in buying a car on Dec. 13. “I cannot believe I’m saying this,” she says to start the video.

In part one of the series, which has amassed over 837,500 views and 46,7000 likes, the 27-year-old explains to her audience exactly why she began the process. 

“It has now been almost three years of having my Volvo,” Palek says. “My lease is almost up, which means I need to figure out what the heck I’m doing.” 


Palek, who is the ex-girlfriend of former “Bachelorette” contestant, Connor Saeli, sits in the driver’s seat of her leased Volvo, and walks viewers through her thought process. Passionately speaking with her hands, Palek shares why she chose her Volvo and why it may also be time to buy a different car.

Why did Palek lease a 2022 Volvo XC60?

“It’s one of the safest cars on the market,” Palek explains.  

And she’s right. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the car earned an overall score of 5/5 stars, meaning high scores in its crash and rollover protection features.  


“I’ve got seat warmers, seat coolers, a heated steering wheel,” Palek says. “I have everything in this car that I could possibly want.”

Emphasizing her love for her tan leather interior and crystal gear shift, Palek has no regrets in her initial car choice. She loved the luxurious appeal of her Volvo, however, she doesn’t know if she would lease it again. 

“I’m glad that I did it, I’m not gonna do it again,” Palek says.

After buying a new house last summer, Palek put more miles on the car than he initially anticipated. Driving between work in downtown Austin and her home more in the outskirts of the city, it quickly added up. 


However, because Palek had never driven a Volvo, she wasn’t quite ready to make the commitment to its prolonged purchase. 

“I wasn’t sure if I was gonna like it long-term,” Palek says.

But after nearly three years of driving, Palek came to realize just how much she utilized its amenities. But she still wanted to go see the other options on the table, just in case she found something more suited for her. 

“This is gonna be a long-term car,” Palek says. “That I’m going to have when I eventually have kids.”


What car should she buy?

Concluding her first part of the series, Palek clicks her seat belt and prepares to go to her first stop, the Volvo Dealership. Starting off part two, Palek takes a gander around the store.

“One thing I’ll say about the last three years, is that I have had zero issues with this car. Any sort of service is free for three years,” Palek says. 

Palek films herself as she walks through the cars in the showroom as she waits for a salesperson. She shares the different color options and even a few that she likes, but there was just one issue.


Just don’t know if it’s too big or if it looks too much like a mom car,” Palek says. 

While not a complete turn-off, after talking with a salesperson, Palek was still eager to see other brands. So between part three and four, Palek explores both the Porsche Cayenne and the Mercedes GLB, each with their own perks.

“It was so smooth, so quiet,” Palek explains about the Porsche. However, it was slightly too sporty in design for her taste. 

“There are so many features on this car, I would need a crash course to learn about all of them,” Palek says of the Mercedes GLB.


And taking her viewer’s advice, Palek even stopped by Lexus in part five. Posted a few weeks later, on Jan. 5, Palek quickly walked into the Lexus store. While the cars were to her liking, it was instead the sales personnel that pushed her away.

“He didn’t ask me any questions, I don’t think he thought that I was legitimately looking at the car,” Palek says.

Believing it was due to her casual outfit not fitting the ideal looks of what she thinks the store is looking for, Palek felt less welcomed at this store than any other previously. 

“I don’t know. I feel like that kind of impacts my opinion about it,” Palek says.


So, as she took a final stab at trying to venture into new dealerships, Palek took the advice of her audience just once more.

What did viewers advise?

“A handful of you guys told me to go check out the Volkswagen Atlas,” Palek says.

With that in mind, Palek finds her way to the Volkswagen dealership in part six. Instantly Palek fell in love, from the “10/10” to the cars’ cheap pricing in comparison to the others so far, Palek loved Volkswagen.


“Honestly, I feel like this might be at the top of my list,” Palek explains. 

However, Palek still did not make a purchase, just to make sure she was fully considering her options before doing so. While there is still no update, it can be expected that Palek shares the news soon as to what she chose. 

So, should you lease?

Of course, there are pros and cons to each option. Like Palek, many people may simply not be ready for the commitment of purchasing a car. 


On the surface, leasing can be more appealing as the monthly payments are usually lower than the average car payment. Leasing allows for drivers to “borrow” a car from the dealership, which many times means the dealership will cover repairs as well. 

For example, Palek’s car repairs were covered by Volvo during her three-year lease on her Volvo. If you are considering leasing or buying a Volvo specifically, this may be helpful to know. 

Major advantages of leasing can include always driving a car’s latest model, which means having the latest safety features as well. And when the driver is ready to move-on from their leased car, they just need to drop it off back at the dealership. 

Or should you buy?

On the other hand, ownership of a car can be more cost efficient long-term. If you continue to lease one car after another, the monthly payments will also be never-ending. If you were to purchase a car, eventually these payments would be paid-off or non-existent if the car was initially bought in full. 


Owning a car has no limitation of how many miles can be put on the car, lease contracts often specify certain mileages maximums. If these maximums are hit or surpasses, there oftentimes is an excess mileage penalty.

Ownership finally has set regulations to the up-keep of the car. Long-term, wear-and-tear of a vehicle is inevitable, however depending on the level of use the car gets, leases may ask for an additional cost upon turn in. 

So, depending on your needs, it’s good to consider both options. And like Palek, it’s smart to always shop around first, even if that takes a few months.


Im searching for a new car!!!! Part 1 of car shopping! 💔

♬ original sound – Jenna Palek

The Daily Dot reached out to Jenna Palek (@jennapalek) via TikTok and Instagram direct message. The Daily Dot also reached out to Volvo, Lexus, Mercedes, Volkswagen, and Porsche for general comment via their independent press emails.

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