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‘We’re All Gonna Die,’ ep. 18: When will Trump kneel for the national anthem?

The latest episode of the Daily Dot’s politics podcast.

Photo of Andrew Wyrich

Andrew Wyrich

Donald Trump with a football helmet on.

Greetings listeners, you’ve made it another week! Congrats.

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On this week’s episode of We’re All Gonna Die, the Daily Dot politics team dives into what’s next for healthcare after the demise of Graham-Cassidy, newsworthiness of Howard Stern interviews that President Donald Trump gave in the past, whether or not Roy Moore winning the Republican runoff in Alabama is indicative of something greater–and of course, Trump’s consistent attacks on NFL players who kneel during the national anthem.

As you can see, there was a lot to talk about.

In addition to politics you’ll hear the gang’s memes of the week, mean Facebook comments, and as always, the weekly reasons we’re all gonna die.


Here’s this week’s podcast but be sure to listen to our previous episodes.

Subscribe to We’re All Gonna Die on iTunes.

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