palm reading online


What you need to know about online palm reading

The secrets are in your hands.


Marisa Losciale


You may have already taken advantage of the internet’s services for birth chart readings, but did you know you can get a palm reading online, too? This isn’t a new development. Psychics opened up online shops during the dawn of the internet, but in recent years the popularity of online readings has exploded (and for that, you can thank the memes) so now everyone seems to want a piece of it. 

But more doesn’t always mean better–especially if you don’t already know where to go for services by a live palm reader, what site offers free literature for you to teach yourself how to read a palm or what sites have the best palm reader on staff. This guide aims to change all that by letting you in on some of the best secrets of the trade!

What is palm reading? And how to read a palm

If you’ve ever wondered how a palm reading works, y0u wouldn’t be the only one. Basically, palmistry is a type of chiromancy or study of connections between one’s traits and the shape, size, lines, color, and other physical attributes of their hands.

As the Psychic Library discusses, most readers assign each hand (and its characteristics) as specific points of interpretation, all dependent upon which one you hold as dominant. For example, if you’re right-handed, the lines and shapes found on your left hand would be interpreted to describe your character, personality, and destiny; while your right hand would tell the story of how your life has unfolded and any struggles you may face. But if you’re a lefty, this analysis would be read with the roles reversed. 

The major lines

The three major lines readers most often look at are the Life Line, the Heart Line, and the Head Line. Using their size, location, direction, and the appearance of any distinct markings or patterns, readers are able to offer insight into different aspects of your life. And as with any other type of psychic reading, it’s encouraged you ask your reader questions about what they’re interpreting–just make sure these questions are behavior or pattern-based and not inquisitions demanding concrete predictions about your future. 

The Life LineThis is the line people find themselves most curious about because of the common misconception that the Life Line reveals how long you’ll live or when you’ll die. Although it doesn’t get quite that specific, the Life Line does shed light on your relationships with others, overall physical health, and emotional well-being. 

Location: the line that begins between your index finger and your thumb, and continues down towards where the base of your thumb and wrist meet. 

The Heart Line (AKA the Love Line or Mensal Line): Reveals your emotional nature and love language. Some readers use it as a predictor of physical health (specifically related to the heart). 

Location: Starts under either the index or middle finger and extends towards your pinky (above your life and head lines). 

The Head Line (AKA the Wisdom Line): In Chinese Palmistry, the Head Line is considered to be the most important line to interpret because it indicates intellectual development, intuitive abilities, and the inner workings of your thought process. 

Location: It begins between your thumb and index finger (just above your Life Line) and runs across your palm horizontally. In some cases, the Head Line will begin directly on the Life Line causing forked lines (known as the Writer’s Fork or Laywer’s Fork) which are interpreted as meaning “strong-willed,” “mind-over-matter.”

The minor lines

Depending on the palmist, there are about a dozen secondary or minor lines for them to focus on during your reading. The minor lines tell the reader about your potential strengths, weaknesses, interests, and talents. Minor lines tend to be fainter than major lines, so if they’re not apparent that’s not uncommon–but having them will allow your reader to gain more insight into who you are with a more detailed interpretation. Some of the most popular minor lines for interpreting are the Fate Line, Intuition Line, Marriage (Relationship/Love) Line, Apollo (Sun) Line, Bracelet Lines, and the Girdle of Venus. 

Fate Line (AKA Line of Destiny)Tied to one’s life path, the Fate line is believed to reveal the effects of people, events, (and life in general) has on an individual and the way they react to it. It may also signify what life was like during childhood, as well as shed light on educational and career choices. 

Location: Starts in the center of the palm below the middle finger and stretches down to the base of your palm. If there is a double line (or Sister Line) present that is said to predict success in your career. 

Intuition Line: It’s believed that people with an Intuition Line are, as you could guess, intuitive. They’re able to read people and situations with ease and may grow to be introverted because picking up other people’s energy is exhausting!

Location: Begins at the base of the pinky and overarches to the base of the palm.  

Marriage (Relationship or Love) Line: Contrary to what you may already be thinking, the Marriage/Relationship/Love Line isn’t always a single line (some people have one, some have a few) or a predictor of the number of marriages. Its focus is broader, spelling out the number of relationships that will be significant in one’s life. 

Location: Begins at the edge of the palm and underneath the pinky, extends horizontally towards the center of the palm. 

Apollo (Sun) Line: Similar to the role of the sun sign in astrology, the Sun Line is a predictor of one’s journey through life–are you creative or outgoing? You may have a long, stand-out Sun Line. But if you have one that’s more inconsistent, it may indicate struggles. 

Location: Below Apollo’s Ring, the Sun Line begins at the base of the ring finger and extends down your palm towards the base of your wrist. 

Bracelet Lines: Representative of health, destiny, and the balance of body, mind, and spirit. Some readers believe having four Bracelet Lines is a symbol of luck and longevity! 

Location: Base of the palm and wrist. 

Girdle of Venus: It’s believed that this line is a symbol of a high-strung, excitable, and sensual personality. People with this line may also tend to be nervous-types (since that’s really just excitable energy turned inward), and if the line has cracks in it, it may indicate that the person is hot-tempered and/or deeply sensitive. 

Location: Begins below the ring finger and extends towards the index finger. 

Like we said before, this isn’t a complete list and it’s not unusual for some of the Minor Lines to not be apparent on your hand, so if you can’t find a particular one, that’s to be expected. After all, lines aren’t the only physical attributions palm readers take into consideration. Your hands are also home to mounts, textured patterns/markings, hand/finger shapes, and colors that are all up for interpretation. But since all of that is out of the realm for beginners, we won’t be discussing their expositions.

If you’d like to learn more about how to read a palm or need recommendations for online palm readers, we’ve compiled a list of reliable sources (which you can find below) for you to take advantage of. 


Where to get a palm reading online

1) Keen

The psychic palm readings offered by Keen readers are no joke. Although the site has low ratings on customer review services like SiteJabber, you’ll see most of the complaints aren’t about the readings themselves but how the site runs its payment options. To avoid conflict, reviewers recommend only loading the amount of money you plan to use for a reading at any given time. Because if you upload $40, spend $15 on a call and then forget about the balance and let sit too long, Keen will deduct value for “inactivity.”

Keen is also offering all new users three free minutes to use towards any reading!

Price: $1.50+/min 


2) Kasamba

Established in 1999, Kasamba has become the world’s largest and most popular site for astrology-related services, including online palm reading. Readers create a profile that advertises the types of readings they offer and respective pricing, which allows users to rate and discuss their experience directly on-site or via the mobile app. Kasamba readers are available 24/7 and offer a variety of services such as numerology readings, love readings, tarot readings, personal astrology readings, and more.

Currently, Kasamba is offering new clients three free minutes to chat with an online psychic.

Price: $2.50+/min (regularly $4.99+/min)


3) Psychic Guild

Psychic Guild offers users access to a live palm reader through its partnership with Keen and Kasamba. Although the site doesn’t employ its own readers, does provide users with original horoscopes, games, literature for learning more about tarot, spells and other areas of the divine sciences, as well as host a blog where readers can find out more about the astrology of sex and the predictions for the year. 

Price: Varies by service and reader–horoscopes, literature, and some basic readings are free.


4) is owned by one of the world’s best palm readers. Based out of England, Gary Markwick is a third-generation psychic with multiple certifications, interviews with BBC, and years of experience under his belt–including the opportunity to read celebs (like President Barack Obama’s handprint). He offers live palm reading sessions through Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, as well as full readings via email, all you have to do is provide a few clear photos of your hands. 

Price: $61.29 for a 30-minute live reading, $94.73 for a 50-minute live reading, $178.31 for an email reading, and 


5) ReadMyPalmOnline

Since we’re talking online palm reading, it would be a mistake not to include This site offers palm readings (and only palm readings) by experts–which, is exactly the type of site we’ve been looking for. Don’t get us wrong, it’s fantastic when a reader can offer you other services during your session but sometimes it’s helpful to focus on the details of one thing at a time. So if you want incredibly intricate readings with a specific focus, we suggest taking advantage of ReadMyPalmOnline. Here’s how it works: you fill out a specific reading order application with your name, email, clarification on which hand you hold dominant, zodiac sign, and an image of your palm. Then your application will be assigned to one of their readers, and within 48 hours you’ll have a full analysis in your inbox! 

Price: $44.99 for Wealth, Wellness, or Relationship Readings and $79.99 for a Whole Life reading


6) Psychic Library

Psychic Library doesn’t offer online palm reading services, but it does host a fantastic amount of literature for learning how to read a palm or for finding the answer to any other psychic/divine science-related questions you may have. Personally, this is one of our favorite educational resources. On site, you’ll find hundreds of articles dissecting the foundations of everything from palmistry to Chakra, Aura reading, and meditation.  


Want a little more guidance? Check out our crash course on numerology or this guide on how to read a birth chart, we’ll also show you where to go for accurate tarot readings and what sites to use for a reliable psychic love reading.


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