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Pilot has to be removed from plane after ranting to passengers about her divorce, politics

Reportedly, more than half the passengers left the plane.


Josh Katzowitz


After commandeering the plane’s PA system in order to rant to passengers about her divorce and to call Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton “assholes,” a United Airlines pilot had to be removed from a flight from Austin to San Francisco on Saturday evening.

The pilot arrived at the plane wearing civilian clothes, and she proceeded to discuss her divorce and reportedly began to cry while on the mic. One passenger caught her on video saying not to worry because a man would be flying the plane and not her, and she said if passengers didn’t feel safe, they could disembark.

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Passengers also took to Twitter to record the proceedings and the aftermath.

Reiss then wrote that he stormed off the plane and half the passengers followed suit.

Eventually, the pilot was removed.

“We removed her from the flight, (and) we’re going to discuss this matter with her,” Charlie Hobart, a United Airlines spokesman, told the Austin American Statesman. “We were looking out for our customers to get them to where they needed to be.”

The flight reportedly was delayed for two hours. And the next day, at least one passenger had more questions.

“I asked an attendant if she was really our pilot and he said yes. ‘Why is she being allowed to fly,’ I asked,” wrote a passenger named Hayes Davis on Twitter. “’She’s the pilot and I’m not a psychologist,’ was the response. We got the hell off right after that. Why were no @united employees able to prevent her from flying. Why did it take us walking off? I think @united should have to answer that publicly with their policy. And if there’s not one, why? If there is one, I sure hope it wasn’t this.”

The Daily Dot