
Universities stage walkouts in support of undocumented immigrants

The #SanctuaryCampus movement wants to make colleges safe spaces for the most vulnerable.

Photo of Jaya Saxena

Jaya Saxena

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College campuses have always been places for students to demonstrate their political ideas. And today, college students across the country staged a walkout in support of #SanctuaryCampus—and against Donald Trump.

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More than 100 universities are participating in the walkout, according to NYU Local. The movement, #SanctuaryCampus, was spearheaded by Movimento Cosecha, an organization that fights for protections for undocumented immigrants. Walkout participants “are part of the movement to establish public spaces of resistance and protection for our country’s most vulnerable people—including undocumented immigrants, Muslims, Black people, Queer people, and all people of color,” writes Movimento Cosecha. On literature distributed at many of the walkouts, students are asked to “commit to putting our bodies between Trump and undocumented students.”

Over the past week, high school students have also been demonstrating against the president-elect. There are reports of walkouts in Nebraska, Missouri, Washington D.C., California, Florida, and more. And earlier this week, it was announced a case brought by a group of children and young adults against the government will be heard in trial. They argue the government “has violated the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, property” by ignoring climate change. The children may save us all. 

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