Hand erasing a tweet

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Keep your social media follies away from potential employers with Rep’nUp

Fighting back against ‘Pics or it didn’t happen.’


Colette Bennett


We’ve all done things we’re not exactly proud of (freshman year, underwear run). But thanks to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, it’s likely there’s a record of some of those activities these days. Rep’nUp, however, provides a helpful service. It cleans up your social profiles so prospective employers won’t see the wrong side of you.

Who knows what beer bong photo managed to slip past your untagging? Luckily, a recruiter won’t catch it once you get Rep’nUp.

Scan your handles and profiles for potentially damaging posts from up to three years in the past. That includes references to all the cringe-worthy stuff like violence, sex, drugs, alcohol, slang, and even negative comments about former employers.

It’s better to be safe than sorry. Get Rep’nUp for $9.99 from the Daily Dot store. That’s 49% off the original price of $19.95. Then you can be 100 percent sure that your past exploits won’t be back to bite you in the ass.


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