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Parent complains about the teens selling pink p**syhats at school

A parent complained the knit hats were too ‘political.’


Jessica Machado


A high school club in New York has been asked to stop selling pink pussyhats, the type of which were worn by thousands during the Women’s Marches last month. 

When a Sag Harbor parent found out that the newly formed student club focusing on women’s issues was selling the knit hats—their ears a reference to and repurposing of President Trump‘s “grab them by the pussy” comments—during lunch, she complained to school officials. 

“The hats represent a political notion, and it shouldn’t be brought into school,” Janice D’Angelo told NBC4. “During lunchtime, I don’t want my daughter subjected to a political issue at school.”

An official for the school originally said the club was asked to stop selling the hats, but it was the club that decided to cease sales on its own. “It’s not disappointing because we’re fighting for what we believe in, and we won’t be stopped,” member Sarah Mac told News4.

Though the hats don’t represent a political party or particular advocacy group, they have become the pro-women, pro-equality answer to the red “Make America Great Again” caps worn by Trump supporters. 

“We have to put a spotlight back on women’s issues,” said Sag Harbor resident Kathleen Mulcahy told NBC4, “and this is one way to do it, in a nice, pretty pink way that keeps our heads warm.”

H/T the Cut

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