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Piers Morgan jokes about planning a ‘men’s march’

He also calls out Madonna for making a ‘bomb threat’ on the White House.


Amrita Khalid


Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan is not a fan of the Women’s March on Washington or the 670-plus sister marches that drew 4.8 million people worldwide this weekend.  

On Saturday, he tweeted that he was organizing a men’s march in response to “rapid feminists.” 

It didn’t take long, though, for his Good Morning Britain co-host Susanna Reid to quickly to shut him down. 

Though he later chalked up his men’s march tweet to joke, he also wrote an op-ed in the Daily Mail on Monday that falsely accused Madonna, who spoke at the Washinton rally, of making a bomb threat on the White House. 

Morgan writes:

“Let me get this absolutely straight: Madonna, a multi-millionaire pop star with the means to finance any of her many warped desires, has thought ‘an awful lot’ about bombing the home of the President of the United States?
It’s a very serious criminal offence to make a bomb threat, let alone one to the life of the President.”

However, Madonna’s full quote from the rally reads: “Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought a lot about blowing up the White House. But I know that this won’t change anything.”

Despite the context, that single line from Madonna’s speech has now been seized not just by Morgan but by men’s rights activists and Trump supporters as proof that feminism has gone out of control.  

Morgan also claimed in his piece that the Women’s March on Washington is sending a message to women that “the only way to stop a man you don’t agree with is by killing them.” 

This is despite the large numbers of men—many of them fathers, grandfathers, brothers, and sons—who also marched on Saturday.

Morgan then tripled-down on his dislike of the march on Good Morning Britain today, saying, “Trump has been in two days and hasn’t done anything yet to infringe female rights.”  

Shortly after Morgan said those words, Trump signed an executive order that reinstated the Mexico City abortion rule that was originally put into place by former President Ronald Reagan. The Mexico City abortion policy has been repealed by every Democratic president and reinstated by every Republican since then. Essentially, the controversial policy bars NGOs and aid organizations from performing abortions overseas if they receive funding from the U.S. government, such as through USAID. The policy also prohibits taxpayer funding for groups such as Planned Parenthood that lobby to legalize abortion or promote it as a family planning method.

When former President Barack Obama rescinded the policy, he said, “For the past eight years, they have undermined efforts to promote safe and effective voluntary family planning in developing countries. For these reasons, it is right for us to rescind this policy and restore critical efforts to protect and empower women and promote global economic development.”

Morgan has yet to address this on Twitter or elsewhere. 

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