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Woman sends nudes to people who donate to Australia fires, raises more than $300K

Some heroes wear capes, others are nude.


Nahila Bonfiglio


A woman on Instagram just pulled off a massive, and rather nontraditional, fundraising campaign.

Kaylen, who calls herself the “naked philanthropist” online, had a clever idea when she heard of the damage the fires in Australia are wreaking. On Jan. 3, Kaylen made a new post to her Instagram, promising an exchange with any users who were willing to donate. As long as at least $10 went to the cause, Kaylen would reward donors with a nude. Simple, sweet, and—as it turns out—massively effective. Over the course of the next several days, Kaylen managed to rack up more than $300,000 in donations.

Kaylen approached the fundraiser as any professional would. She sent out a list of fundraisers that her cause supported and required proof that a donation had actually been sent. Once she received proof, the exchange could be made. Unsurprisingly, by harnessing the “raw horny energy of the internet,” as one user put it, Kaylen’s fundraiser quickly took off. Within hours, her DMs were flooded with screenshots from people proving they’d made a donation.

By 10:39 PM on Jan. 3, Kaylen’s cause had raised $5,000. Less than an hour later, the number was up to $7,000.

As the hours ticked by, more and more donations flooded in. By the morning of Jan. 4, Kaylen’s DMs were drenched in messages from eager donors. She updated people on Twitter and Instagram (her Instagram account was eventually suspended).

One person even donated an impressive $5,000, all on their own. Users went to town in the comment section, theorizing what kind of an exchange five grand deserved. “The person should receive netflix and chill for that price,” one user wrote.

The donations kept flooding in as word of the fundraiser spread online. By mid-day on Jan.4, Kaylen’s cause had raised more than $30,000. By then, her inbox was so flooded with requests she couldn’t keep up. “Do y’all wanna donate money to me to pay my sex worker friends to log into my account and help me answer all these DMs,” she asked followers on Twitter. “It’s so much work I have to hire a team. Send donations for that to pay pal I love y’all.”

Apparently, she got the help she needed, because the donations were far from finished. By the end of the day on Jan. 4, more than $60,000 had been donated thanks to Kaylen’s fundraiser. Unfortunately, her efforts caused a few snags in her personal life. “My IG got deactivated, my family disowned me, and the guy I like won’t talk to me all because of that tweet,” Kaylen wrote in the early hours of Jan. 5. “But fuck it, save the koalas.”

Despite her personal woes, people are firmly standing behind Kaylen and her remarkably successful effort. “We are your family now sis,” one commenter wrote.

By the time the morning of Jan. 5 rolled around, Kaylen’s fundraiser had raised more than $100,000 in donations. “We’ve successfully raised over $100k for the Australian Wildfires,” she wrote on Twitter. “I suspect that with all the DMs I have yet to read that at least $200k or more was raised. Unfortunately at this time I can’t possibly answer any more DMs so if you didn’t get your photo I am extremely sorry.”

Kaylen did not say whether she would get to all of the DMs eventually, or if she is nuded-out for the time being. She did, however, thank each and every donor for contributing to the cause. “I did not expect this to blow up the way it did and I was not prepared to answer 20,000+ DMs,” she wrote. “Thank you all so much for donating!”

People were absolutely behind Kaylen’s sexy altruism, and let her hear their support in the comments. “How do I nominate you for woman of the year,” one commenter asked.

As of the morning of Jan. 5, ravenous fires were still devastating a massive swathe of Australian land. More than 12.35 million acres of land, across three states, have been burned. Millions of reptiles, birds, and mammals have fallen to the blaze, along with thousands of homes. At least 24 lives have been lost so far, according to NBC News. Hopefully, Kaylen’s altruism, and the generosity of her donors, will assist the continent in fighting back the blaze.

By the end of her campaign, donations from Kaylen’s fundraiser were estimated at $300,000.

Kaylen did not return the Daily Dot’s request for comment by publication time.


The Daily Dot