LinkedIn logo blue on white background (l) Woman with hand over mouth shocked expression over greenscreen screenshot of conversation caption ' The audacity of old rich men with power' (r)

Diego Thomazini/Shutterstock @alexandriakelly96/TikTok (Licensed)

‘The audacity of old rich men with power’: TikToker exposes Hyatt exec who used LinkedIn job offer to hit on her (updated)

‘Why do old rich men think LinkedIn is a dating site.’


Grace Stanley


In a viral TikTok posted yesterday, a woman exposed a man for sliding into her LinkedIn DMs and sending her inappropriate messages. Users are enraged and demanding consequences for his predatory behavior.

The video posted yesterday by Alexandria Kelly (@alexandriakelly96) has over 87,600 views. It shows Kelly reacting to an alleged screenshot of inappropriate messages sent to her by a LinkedIn user named Jeffrey Slusarek, who says online that he is an executive working for Welk Resorts and Hyatt.  

In the messages, Slusarek tells Kelly that he’s hiring in San Diego and asks her to “come on out.” When Kelly responds asking for more details, Slusarek replies that he runs timeshare operations for Hyatt in various locations before the conversation takes a turn for the worst.

Slusarek is shown sending the following message: “I’m actually glad we don’t work together because I don’t think I’d get anything accomplished watching you walk around the office.” 

“The audacity of old rich men with power,” Kelly captioned the video, “absolutely out of pocket, jeffery. #hyatt and #welkresorts come get your mans.”

Users were infuriated at Slusarek’s alleged sexual harassment. 

“WHATTT,” one user commented.

“Why do old rich men think LinkedIn is a dating site,” another responded. 

Others begged Kelly to take action so that Slusarek would face consequences for his actions.

“So bestie, did we send to his wife and boss or nah?” one person asked. 

“Please tell me you sent this to his boss,” another pleaded. 

In an update video posted today, Kelly told viewers that she is in contact with an HR representative at Hyatt and was told that action would be taken based on her story. 

She also shared that she had reached out to Slusarek’s wife and daughter on Facebook, but then decided to delete the message and block them because it was giving her too much anxiety to wait for a response. 

The Daily Dot reached out to Kelly, Slusarek, Welk Resorts, and Hyatt Corporate Communications for comment via email.

Update 10:19am CT, March 29: A Hyatt spokesperson tells the Daily Dot that this man is not a Hyatt employee: “This individual is employed by a third party, and we have asked them to investigate this matter and take appropriate actions. This conduct is not consistent with Hyatt values.”

Update 10:23am CT, March 29: Kelly sent a statement to the Daily Dot about the viral incident. We have decided to publish it in its entirety.

Honestly I felt really angry when I first read it. No one should ever harass anyone by any means, but I was shocked it was on LinkedIn of all places. Especially where I could see his full employer information. I haven’t heard anything from Slusarek or his family. I felt weird messaging his wife and daughter, so I unsent the message and blocked them so they couldn’t see I was trying to message him. If I were the wife, I’d want to know, I just don’t know how she’ll respond or if it’ll affect the kids. Although it’s his actions and he deserves consequences, especially if it affects his family. It’s his fault, not mine. I suppose they will found out soon enough, now.

I have heard from Hyatt, not Welk resorts yet. Turns out he works with Hyatt Vacation rentals, which is a franchise version of Hyatt, so Hyatt redirected me to HR of Hyatt Vacation Rentals. The HR rep and I had a good phone call and I hope something is done. Although on TikTok, someone commented they used to work for Hyatt HR and they called it a joke, saying HR doesn’t take this stuff seriously, and that they encourage it. So I hope that is not the case. The response on TikTok is quite interesting. I’ve had a few TikToks go viral recently about men and their abuse. I get a lot of responses that are assuring me it is not my fault, I’m allowed to be mad, etc. And some who are pretty obvious victim blamers. I had a few people try and bully me on my TikTok lives and TikTok videos, calling me names or commenting on my appearance calling me “mid, at best.” I just block those people or wish them the best, because hurt people hurt people. And I pray they find peace and love in their hearts. I do hope this sparks people’s thoughts into what is harassment and is not allowed. It is mind boggling to me how people think he is just complimenting me or flirting, when it is straight up harassment. It’s in every basic employee training. I think people just try and push buttons and start fights online. I’m thankful I know my worth and can tell what’s right, or wrong, and take a stance. I have a big platform, I am going to use it how I see fit.

I just hope for a few things: First, that he gets fired. I can probably guarantee he has done this to others, especially in person, too, and never gotten caught. I was just one to speak up – I cannot blame anyone else for not saying anything, it’s scary. He needs repercussions and I hope that he loses his job.

Second, I hope Hyatt and Welk take necessary actions and can talk about this publicly. Use this as an example. Stand your ground. It’s 2022, stand up for people who are very obviously being harassed.

Lastly, I hope women (or anyone who is harassed) can feel comfortable being open about when they have been harassed, assaulted, abused, etc. even when it is someone in power who has done this to them. It is scary, but there are people who will support you. You deserve to be heard.

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