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Reddit post blasted for suggesting women should act like servants for their husbands on Christmas 

‘The best gift you can give your husband is to remove the pressure of the holidays by not having any expectations.’


Siobhan Ball


A Reddit post is getting blasted for touting sexist and outdated standards of how women and men should act on Christmas.

The Reddit post, titled “The Best Gift You Can Give Your Husband,” suggests that women should have no expectations of men in order to “remove the pressure of the holidays.”

In five bullet points, the redditor lays out all the expectations a woman should not have.

“Don’t expect a gift. Don’t expect your husband to participate in any activities. Don’t expect a thank you for cooking. Don’t expect a thank you for cleaning. Don’t expect a thank you for buying and wrapping presents for him or others,” the post reads.

While the post seems outlandish, it is not all that surprising considering which subreddit it was posted in: the Red Pill Women subreddit. The Red Pill Women subreddit is where women who follow the Red Pill philosophy congregate to affirm their beliefs that feminism wrong, women ought to serve men, and, apparently, even common courtesy is too much to expect from men.

The Best Gift You Can Give Your Husband
by inRedPillWomen

The post gained further attention online after Robyn Pennacchia posted it to Twitter.

“What kind of bizarre person doesn’t say ‘thank you’ after someone has cooked something for them? How do you even avoid doing that? It would have to be on purpose,” Pennacchia tweeted, along with a screenshot of the Reddit post.

Some noted that the post must have been written by either a “shitty man” or Stepford Wife, a term that comes from the 1972 novel in which men create housewife robots (dubbed Stepford Wifes) to do their bidding. Another assumed the post was written by an incel.


Needless to say, people are roasting it.

“Don’t expect to have any agency in this indentured servitude you call a relationship,” Twitter user @ellycmac retorted.

Another Twitter user suggested an alternate headline: “What to expect from a juvenile adolescent during holidays.”

“All I Want for Christmas Is To Be infantilized,” Twitter user @Placeholder_txt joked.

Others explained that if their partner in this manner, they would rather not have a partner.

“If the man I have been married to for 36 years ever expected those for a “gift”, he could also expect the locks to be changed,” Twitter user @sylvie79392086 wrote.



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