People are using facts to roast a woman’s wanna-be-funny anti-vaxxer Halloween costume.
The woman posted a photo of herself on Facebook, in which her visible skin is covered in red dots, seemingly from makeup or a marker, made to look like measles marks.
“Was trying to think of the least scary thing I could be for Halloween…so I became the measles,” text overlayed on the picture reads.
A medical professional replied to the woman’s post, sarcastically asking if she wanted to tag along on rounds to tell patients with seizures, high fevers, and in comas as a result of the measles and viral sepsis that “their suffering isn’t all that bad and is just being exaggerated by ‘Big Pharma’ and clueless quacks.”
“You can even assist with the spinal tap! Read your favorite vaccine insert to them while they sob in fear and agony,” the medical professional wrote.

Measles is an infection that occurs in kids and typically causes a skin rash, fever, dry cough, and runny nose. It was once really common but “can now almost always be prevented with a vaccine,” according to the Mayo Clinic.
Over the past decades, the number of measles cases remained mostly stagnant, with a few handfuls of spikes. But with more than 1,200 reported cases, 2019 had the most cases of any other year in recent history. The other year with a significant rise in cases was 2014, which had 667 reported cases, reported the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The CDC reported that the rise in cases is because of more travelers getting the disease abroad and pockets of unvaccinated people in the United States.
By the end of the post, the medical professional called the anti-vaxxer a “horrible person and possibly a sociopath.”
“How I wish children suffering in the infectious ward could dress as ‘fake diseases’ for Halloween like the privileged idiots who put them there,” they continued.
The picture, reposted across multiple Reddit pages, including the “Fuck You Karen” subreddit, has more than 50,000 likes on the platform and thousands of comments. People are generally in agreement that the post was insensitive and many took to sharing their own awful family stories about the virus and its effects.
“My Mom had measles. Almost blinded and killed her. Too bad she didn’t lose her sight because now she’ll see what an asshole you are,” wrote u/jenkraisins.
Judging by the Reddit reactions, the only part of the costume that was actually scary was the anti-vaxxer herself and anti-facts sentiment it was spurred from.
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