While the rest of the online shopping populace swarms to the TVs, gaming systems, and jewelry, your eyes are on the real prize. These Cyber Monday kitchen deals will dish out all those restaurant-quality, Instagram-able meals to wow friends and infuriate enemies.

Instant Pot and sous vide
On Sale for 81.99, regularly $149
On sale for $49+, regularly $69.99

Coffee and beverages
(on sale for $204.99, regularly $399)
(on sale for $89.99, regularly $107)
(on sale for 114.99 Regularly $282)
(on sale for $156, regularly $314)

(on sale for 99.99, regularly $299)
(on sale for $49.99 regularly $99.99)
(on sale for $31.76, regularly $55.58)

(on sale for $179, regularly $299)
(on sale for $95.22, regularly)
(on sale for $22.71, regularly $39.99)
(on sale for $42.99, regularly $58.38)
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