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Donald Trump vs. Time magazine: A timeline

Trump is Time’s ‘Person of the Year’—finally.


Andrew Couts


Donald Trump is, at long last, Time magazine’s “Person of the Year.” But that doesn’t mean he’s not still sour for all those years that passed him by. 

Speaking with the Today show on Wednesday morning, Trump balked at Time editors’ decision to dub him the “President of the Divided States of America” on the cover of its Person of the Year issue. 

“I think putting ‘divided’ is snarky,” Trump said. “I didn’t do anything to divide.”

Trump is famously combative with the media, whom he’s branded as a liars and hacks. But he has particular beef with Time, which has featured Trump on its cover at least 12 times—not always flatteringly—but never before given him the honor of Person of the Year. And like everything else with Trump, there are tweets to prove it. 

Some of Trump’s tweeted gripes have come in the form of retweets, but others are from the man himself. And he doesn’t always view Time as bad—he has worked with the magazine a dozen times in the past, after all. Here is a complete timeline of Trump’s complex, fraught relationship with Time.







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