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Trump digs up old Rosie O’Donnell tweet about Comey—and the internet loses it

Somehow we don’t see their newfound ‘agreement’ on issues lasting very long.


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump just agreed with one of his greatest adversaries: Rosie O’Donnell.

Kind of.

In December 2016, the actress tweeted some pretty direct views on what she thought should happen to then-FBI Director James Comey, presumably referring to his handling of the investigation into Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

While you may have thought O’Donnell’s December 2016 tweet would have been lost in the Twitter-ether, it wasn’t forgotten by the very passionate members of Trump’s subreddit /r/theDonald.

On Thursday afternoon, a Reddit user posted O’Donnell’s tweet with the headline “… These people act like the internet forgets. It doesn’t.”

Shortly after the thread was posted, Trump somewhat sarcastically seemed to end the feud with his long-time Hollywood nemesis.

O’Donnell and Trump have quite a history of trading barbs with one another. During a presidential debate in August, Trump made a comment about O’Donnell when former Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked about him calling women he didn’t like “fat pigs,” “dogs,” “slobs,” and “disgusting animals.”

In January, O’Donnell went on a days-long tweet storm about Trump, calling him “mentally unstable,” and a “criminal.”

Naturally, the internet reacted quickly to Trump’s latest tweet.

Not to be out done, O’Donnell responded to Trump’s remark with some ominous warnings and a #USA kicker.

Trump has yet to reply to O’Donnell. We sense the two won’t be best buds just yet.


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The Daily Dot