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Trump picks fast food CEO for Labor secretary

Andrew Puzder is CEO of Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s.


Nidia Cavazos


President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Andrew Puzder, CEO of the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast food restaurants, as his nominee for Labor secretary.

The U.S. Department of Labor is in charge of overseeing and improving working conditions, including wage rights and work benefits. Puzder has been vocal about his opposition in raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, the expansion of eligibility for broader overtime pay, and Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Though Puzder does not oppose raising the minimum wage, he argues a large increase would lead to job losses given the burden it places on business owners.

Like Trump, Puzder has dedicated his career to the private sector, but in the fast food industry. This particular industry has been subject to national pressure as protesters seek a minimum wage increase at the federal level.

If the Senate confirms Trump’s appointment, it is likely that Puzder would work to eliminate Obama’s overtime rule. The overtime rule requires workers who make less than $47,500 and work 40 hours a week to be paid overtime. The rule is currently on hold as directed by a federal judge in November.

In November, Fox Business asked Puzder about wanting to be a part of Trump’s cabinet. According to Puzer, it “would be the most fun you could have with your clothes on to be in this cabinet and get things going.”

The Daily Dot