Donald Trump has compared his IQ to a lot of people in the past, not just Rex Tillerson.

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Jon Stewart, ‘losers,’ and 9 other people Trump thinks he’s smarter than

Trump has an IQ obsession.


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump challenging Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to an IQ test in response to reports that he called the president a “moron” shouldn’t be that shocking–Trump has cited his self-proclaimed high intelligence quotient several times in the past.

During a wide-ranging interview with Forbes, Trump suggested that Tillerson and he should compare their scores.

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests. And I can tell you who is going to win,” Trump said.

Here are a few times Trump has challenged people to an IQ face-off, or just insulted their intelligence. 

1) Mark Cuban

2) Rick Perry

3) Chris Matthews

4, 5) George W. Bush and Barack Obama

6) Jon Stewart

7) Some Twitter user named @A11_Seeing_Eye

8) Losers and Haters

9) Jeb Bush

10) Mika Brzezinski

11) London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Trump challenged the mayor to an IQ test after Piers Morgan told Trump that Khan had been critical of Trump.

And, of course, Rex Tillerson.

The Daily Dot