Donald Trump and the North Korean flag

Gage Skidmore/Flickr Zscout370/Wikimedia (CC-BY-SA) Remix by Jason Reed

Trump’s North Korea strategy is either genius or an utter mistake

Reaction is split over news he will meet with Kim Jong-un.


David Covucci


Last night, news broke that President Donald Trump agreed to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at a summit in May to discuss the nation’s nuclear program. Trump boldly proclaimed that denuclearization of the rogue nation was on the table.

The news reverberated around the web, with good reason. Not months ago, Trump was threatening to attack North Korea with “fire and fury” and publicly belittling Jong-un at the U.N. Many were concerned nuclear war might break out.

Now it’s possible a peace deal is in the offing. So, is this a masterstroke or a complete mistake? You’d think something like this might be easy to parse. After all, America has wanted a denuclearized North Korea for decades. It was a point the president himself made months ago.

Getting Kim Jong-un to the table, thus, was a coup that only someone as aggressive and bold as Trump could have pulled off, according to his supporters.

But meeting with Kim Jong-un face-to-face was an idea that was almost instantly rebuked by liberals in the foreign policy establishment. Trump, they say, is doing exactly what Jong-un wants.

By agreeing to meet with the dictator, Trump is conferring legitimacy on a rogue nation that is not worthy of it, especially given its human rights violations. Any previous president could have met with North Korean leaders if they wanted to, but they all refused.

So is this another bold, unconventional gambit by the president that will pay off tremendously or a huge mistake? We’ll find out in May.

The Daily Dot