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Twitter erupts over sinkhole on White House lawn

‘Melania’s escape tunnel has caved in.’


David Gilmour


A sinkhole appeared on the White House front lawn on Monday and, much to the internet’s amusement, it appears to be growing.

The collapse, which occurred near the press briefing room, was roped off by groundskeepers. It was first noticed this week by Voice of America reporter Steve Herman who tweeted a picture and an update that a second sinkhole is opening up right next to the first one.

Washington D.C. is, of course, built on swampland. More than just a useful satirical device, however, it means that large areas within the city are susceptible to what is known geologically as a “forebulge collapse”. Researchers believe the entire city will sink six or more inches within the next century.

For Twitter users, on the political left and right alike, the sinkhole was too perfect a metaphor to pass up.

Given President Donald Trump’s loathing for the “corrupt” mainstream media, some pointed to the sinkhole’s proximity to the press briefing room.

For others, however, it was quite simply a metaphor for the Trump administration.

As for the sinkhole, it’s just excited to be here.

And it has big dreams…

The Daily Dot