donald trump jr

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Here’s Donald Trump Jr.’s full Senate testimony about Trump Tower meeting

Here they are.


David Covucci


The Senate on Wednesday released over 2,000 pages of interviews it conducted with the participants of the infamous summer 2016 meeting between a Russian lawyer and members of President Donald Trump‘s campaign.

Over the past year, the Senate Judiciary Committee interviewed members who participated in the meeting, including Donald Trump Jr., and Robert Goldstone, who initially set up the meeting.

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer, provided written testimony to the committee’s questions, while Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort declined to be interviewed.

Of particular note was the testimony of the president’s son, who gleefully accepted the meeting, and was grilled about his enthusiastic email response to receiving potential damaging on his father’s opponent, Hillary Clinton.

From Trump Jr.’s testimony, as he was questioned by counsel representing Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) office.

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Senate Judiciary Committee

Trump Jr. was also pressed on his dealing with WikiLeaks, which has been accused of being a front for Russian hackers to disseminate stolen emails from the Clinton campaign.

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Senate Judiciary Committee

And when pressed about collusion with Russia, Trump Jr. denied it.


In Body Image
Senate Judiciary Committee
donald trump jr
Senate Judiciary Committee

You can view the full testimony of Trump Jr. and others here.

The Daily Dot