Anthony Scaramucci

Screengrab via TheWhiteHouse/YouTube

White House communications director begins purge over leaks: ‘I’m going to fire everybody’



Andrew Wyrich


Anthony Scaramucci, the new communications director for President Donald Trump’s administration, has threatened to fire everyone on his staff to stop leaks from his office.

“I’m going to fire everybody, that’s how I’m going to do it,” he reportedly said on Tuesday. “You’re either going to stop leaking or you’re going to get fired.”

This week has been a tumultuous week for members of Trump’s administration, and it is clear Scaramucci is trying to make his mark.

Here’s what you need to know:

Trump hates leaks: Trump has repeatedly said that leaks coming from his administration to the press are damaging. In fact, he even reportedly suggested to then-FBI Director James Comey that the agency begin arresting journalists for publishing classified information that had been leaked to them. Trump has consistently argued that leaks from within the government are a bigger story than the ongoing investigations into Russia.

Scaramucci is offering “amnesty”: In a meeting with the White House communications staff, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said Scaramucci promised everyone on his staff a “clean slate” and “amnesty” to prove they are not leaking, according to the Washington Post.

Blasting leaks despite being the source: Scaramucci criticized leaks coming from the White House and even brought it up when referencing the fact that he fired an assistant press secretary. Speaking with reporters, Scaramucci said leaks were a “terrible thing,” particularly about personnel moves. “The fact that you guys know about it before he does really upsets me as a human being and as a Roman Catholic, you got that?” he reportedly said. “So I should have the opportunity, if I have to let someone go, to let the person go in a very humane, dignified way.”

On Tuesday—before he spoke publicly about leaks—he confirmed to Politico that he would be firing the assistant press secretary, which would make him the source of the “leak.”

The Daily Dot