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How Republicans are dancing around Trump’s racist tweets

They could just call them racist.


David Covucci


Over the weekend, President Donald Trump launched on one of the most racist diatribes of his presidency and demanded that four freshman congresswomen of color “go back” to their home countries if they’re unhappy with America.

The attack was widely condemned as racist. Still, people danced around labeling the president himself as racist because it seems like a bold accusation to throw at someone in the highest echelons of power (even though the president was attacking U.S. citizens specifically for their skin color, which is racist).

A great number of the president’s fans were ready to absolve him of accusations of racism, and their defenses went from the pedantic to the downright absurd. Take a look.

Fox News analyst Brit Hume decided that although Trump’s comments were xenophobic and nativist, they weren’t “racist” because they did not meet his “standard definition.”

Hume himself is not a dictionary, but many people online noted that the president didn’t tell someone like Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.), who is white, to go back to Ireland and do his job there before speaking out against the president.

Hume clarified his position in a second tweet, saying that because Trump didn’t declare the white race superior in his spree Sunday, it wasn’t racist.

Got it.

Meanwhile, Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.), who once brought white supremacist Chuck Johnson to his office, said that maybe Trump just meant the four should go back to their districts to fix them.

But Trump explicitly told the congresswomen to leave the U.S. to go back to their home countries.

Even better came the defense from a member of Trump’s 2020 campaign communications team, Matt Wolking, who insisted Trump never said “go back” because he also said “come back.”

It is correct that Trump said “come back,” but that does not erase the fact that Trump first said to “go back.”

Even wilder is the line walked by conservative columnist Quin Hillyer, who said that while he does think Trump is racist, he doesn’t think those tweets were.

If you think that is an extremely weird hill to die on, you’d be right. But that what happens when you try to defend an explicitly racist string of invectives.


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