liz cheney iran tweet

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Liz Cheney unironically pushes for war in Iran

Her takes on Iran are interesting given… the past 20 years.


David Covucci



When F. Scott Fitzgerald famously declared that “there are no second acts in American lives,” he meant that there was never another opportunity to get it right.

But as the U.S. ratchets up tensions with Iran, many on the American right are proving there is undoubtedly a second chance to get it wrong. Many of the same figureheads (like Ari Fleischer and Karl Rove) who led the march to war with Iraq—a disastrous, nearly two-decade-long affair they claimed would be a breeze—are now announcing war with Iran would be a good thing.

Among that group this week is Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, who tweeted a threat at the Iranian regime.

“I am monitoring the situation in Iraq closely and praying for our men and women in uniform,” the congresswoman tweeted on Tuesday. “The Iranian regime has made a grave miscalculation by launching these attacks.”

Now, no one should pay for the sins of their father. But perhaps one could use the sins of their father to be introspective and reflective, and if their father dragged America into a never-ending conflict with a Middle Eastern nation based on a series of lies, maybe not be for it happening again.

Or not. Whatever! Dads rule!

“I stand with President Trump, who has been clear that the United States will not tolerate such action against our forces,” the representative continued.

And though the American public can do little to halt the deployment of forces by a body of politicians who claim to respect American lives but really just want to see things blow up in Arabic nations (at least not until November 2020), they can send some tweets.

And boy did they send Liz Cheney some good tweets.

Shrug emoji forever and ever and ever.


The Daily Dot